3.1.48 Glissando

Glissando objects are created by: Glissando_engraver.

Standard settings:

after-line-breaking (boolean):


Dummy property, used to trigger callback for after-line-breaking.

bound-details (list):
'((right (attach-dir . -1)
         (end-on-accidental . #t)
         (padding . 0.5))
  (left (attach-dir . 1)
        (padding . 0.5)
        (start-at-dot . #t)))

An alist of properties for determining attachments of spanners to edges.

gap (dimension, in staff space):


Size of a gap in a variable symbol.

left-bound-info (list):


An alist of properties for determining attachments of spanners to edges.

normalized-endpoints (pair):


Represents left and right placement over the total spanner, where the width of the spanner is normalized between 0 and 1.

right-bound-info (list):


An alist of properties for determining attachments of spanners to edges.

simple-Y (boolean):


Should the Y placement of a spanner disregard changes in system heights?

stencil (stencil):


The symbol to print.

style (symbol):


This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

vertical-skylines (pair of skylines):

#<unpure-pure-container #<primitive-procedure ly:grob::vertical-skylines-from-stencil> #<primitive-procedure ly:grob::pure-simple-vertical-skylines-from-extents> >

Two skylines, one above and one below this grob.

X-extent (pair of numbers)

Extent (size) in the X direction, measured in staff-space units, relative to object’s reference point.

Y-extent (pair of numbers)

Extent (size) in the Y direction, measured in staff-space units, relative to object’s reference point.

zigzag-width (dimension, in staff space):


The width of one zigzag squiggle. This number is adjusted slightly so that the glissando line can be constructed from a whole number of squiggles.

This object supports the following interface(s): glissando-interface, grob-interface, line-interface, line-spanner-interface, spanner-interface and unbreakable-spanner-interface.

Internals Reference v2.21.0 (ramo di sviluppo).