3.2.54 key-signature-interface

A group of accidentals, to be printed as signature sign.

User settable properties:

alteration-alist (list)

List of (pitch . accidental) pairs for key signature.

flat-positions (list)

Flats in key signatures are placed within the specified ranges of staff-positions. The general form is a list of pairs, with one pair for each type of clef, in order of the staff-position at which each clef places C: (alto treble tenor soprano baritone mezzosoprano bass). If the list contains a single element it applies for all clefs. A single number in place of a pair sets accidentals within the octave ending at that staff-position.

glyph-name-alist (list)

An alist of key-string pairs.

non-default (boolean)

Set for manually specified clefs and keys.

padding (dimension, in staff space)

Add this much extra space between objects that are next to each other.

padding-pairs (list)

An alist mapping (name . name) to distances.

sharp-positions (list)

Sharps in key signatures are placed within the specified ranges of staff-positions. The general form is a list of pairs, with one pair for each type of clef, in order of the staff-position at which each clef places C: (alto treble tenor soprano baritone mezzosoprano bass). If the list contains a single element it applies for all clefs. A single number in place of a pair sets accidentals within the octave ending at that staff-position.

Internal properties:

c0-position (integer)

An integer indicating the position of middle C.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): KeyCancellation and KeySignature.

Internals Reference v2.21.0 (branca de desenvolupament).