3.2.62 line-spanner-interface

Generic line drawn between two objects, e.g., for use with glissandi.

User settable properties:

bound-details (list)

An alist of properties for determining attachments of spanners to edges.

extra-dy (number)

Slope glissandi this much extra.

gap (dimension, in staff space)

Size of a gap in a variable symbol.

left-bound-info (list)

An alist of properties for determining attachments of spanners to edges.

right-bound-info (list)

An alist of properties for determining attachments of spanners to edges.

simple-Y (boolean)

Should the Y placement of a spanner disregard changes in system heights?

thickness (number)

For grobs made up of lines, this is the thickness of the line. For slurs and ties, this is the distance between the two arcs of the curve’s outline at its thickest point, not counting the diameter of the virtual “pen” that draws the arcs. This property is expressed as a multiple of the current staff-line thickness (i.e. the visual output is influenced by changes to Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness).

to-barline (boolean)

If true, the spanner will stop at the bar line just before it would otherwise stop.

Internal properties:

note-columns (array of grobs)

An array of NoteColumn grobs.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): DynamicTextSpanner, Episema, Glissando, TextSpanner, TrillSpanner and VoiceFollower.

Internals Reference v2.21.0 (branche de développement).