3.2.100 self-alignment-interface

Position this object on itself and/or on its parent. To this end, the following functions are provided:


Align self on reference point, using self-alignment-X and self-alignment-Y.


Shift the object so its own reference point is centered on the extent of the parent

User settable properties:

parent-alignment-X (number)

Specify on which point of the parent the object is aligned. The value -1 means aligned on parent’s left edge, 0 on center, and 1 right edge, in X direction. Other numerical values may also be specified - the unit is half the parent’s width. If unset, the value from self-alignment-X property will be used.

parent-alignment-Y (number)

Like parent-alignment-X but for the Y axis.

self-alignment-X (number)

Specify alignment of an object. The value -1 means left aligned, 0 centered, and 1 right-aligned in X direction. Other numerical values may also be specified - the unit is half the object width.

self-alignment-Y (number)

Like self-alignment-X but for the Y axis.

X-align-on-main-noteheads (boolean)

If true, this grob will ignore suspended noteheads when aligning itself on NoteColumn.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): AccidentalSuggestion, BarNumber, ClefModifier, CombineTextScript, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, DynamicText, Fingering, GridLine, Hairpin, HorizontalBracketText, InstrumentName, InstrumentSwitch, LyricText, MeasureCounter, MetronomeMark, MultiMeasureRestNumber, MultiMeasureRestText, PercentRepeatCounter, RehearsalMark, Script, SostenutoPedal, StemTremolo, StringNumber, StrokeFinger, SustainPedal, TextScript and UnaCordaPedal.

Internals Reference v2.21.0 (rama de desarrollo).