3.2.101 semi-tie-column-interface

The interface for a column of l.v. (laissez vibrer) ties.

User settable properties:

head-direction (direction)

Are the note heads left or right in a semitie?

tie-configuration (list)

List of (position . dir) pairs, indicating the desired tie configuration, where position is the offset from the center of the staff in staff space and dir indicates the direction of the tie (1=>up, -1=>down, 0=>center). A non-pair entry in the list causes the corresponding tie to be formatted automatically.

Internal properties:

positioning-done (boolean)

Used to signal that a positioning element did its job. This ensures that a positioning is only done once.

ties (array of grobs)

A grob array of Tie objects.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): LaissezVibrerTieColumn and RepeatTieColumn.

Internals Reference v2.21.0 (Vývojářská větev).