3.2.106 spaceable-grob-interface

A layout object that takes part in the spacing problem.

User settable properties:

allow-loose-spacing (boolean)

If set, column can be detached from main spacing.

keep-inside-line (boolean)

If set, this column cannot have objects sticking into the margin.

measure-length (moment)

Length of a measure. Used in some spacing situations.

Internal properties:

ideal-distances (list)

(obj . (dist . strength)) pairs.

left-neighbor (graphical (layout) object)

The right-most column that has a spacing-wish for this column.

minimum-distances (list)

A list of rods that have the format (obj . dist).

right-neighbor (graphical (layout) object)

See left-neighbor.

spacing-wishes (array of grobs)

An array of note spacing or staff spacing objects.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): NonMusicalPaperColumn and PaperColumn.

Internals Reference v2.21.0 (development-branch).