3.2.128 tie-interface

A tie - a horizontal curve connecting two noteheads.

The following properties may be set in the details list.


The maximum height allowed for this tie.


Parameter for tie shape. The higher this number, the quicker the slur attains its height-limit.


This detail is currently unused.


Demerit for ties that are offset in the wrong direction.


If the tie is shorter than this amount (in staff-spaces) an increasingly large length penalty is incurred.


Demerit factor for tie lengths shorter than min-length.


If the center of the tie is closer to a staff line than this amount, an increasingly large staff line collision penalty is incurred.


If the tips of the tie are closer to a staff line than this amount, an increasingly large staff line collision penalty is incurred.


Demerit factor for ties whose tips or center come close to staff lines.


If the tie comes closer to a dot than this amount, an increasingly large dot collision penalty is incurred.


Demerit factor for ties which come close to dots.


The distance (in staff-spaces) by which the ends of the tie are offset horizontally from the center line through the note head.


The distance (in staff-spaces) by which the ends of the tie are offset horizontally from a stem which is on the same side of the note head as the tie.


Demerit if the y-position of this tie in the set of ties being considered is less than the y-position of the previous tie.


If this tie is closer than this amount to the previous tie in the set being considered, an increasingly large tie-tie collision penalty is incurred.


Demerit factor for a tie in the set being considered which is close to the previous one.


Demerit factor for ties in the set being considered which are horizontally distant from the note heads.


Demerit factor for ties in the set being considered which are vertically distant from the note heads.


Demerit if tie is on the same side as a stem or on the opposite side to the one specified.


If the tie’s height (in half staff-spaces) is less than this it is positioned between two adjacent staff lines; otherwise it is positioned to straddle a staff line further from the note heads.


Demerit factor for ties horizontally positioned unsymmetrically with respect to the two note heads.


Demerit factor for ties vertically positioned unsymmetrically with respect to the two note heads.


Amount (in half staff-spaces) by which a tie is moved away from the note heads if it is closer to either of them than 0.25 half staff-spaces.


Padding of the skylines around note heads in chords.


The number of candidate ties to generate when only a single tie is required. Successive candidates differ in their initial vertical position by half a staff-space.


The number of variations that are tried for the extremal ties in a chord. Variations differ in their initial vertical position by half a staff-space.

User settable properties:

annotation (string)

Annotate a grob for debug purposes.

avoid-slur (symbol)

Method of handling slur collisions. Choices are inside, outside, around, and ignore. inside adjusts the slur if needed to keep the grob inside the slur. outside moves the grob vertically to the outside of the slur. around moves the grob vertically to the outside of the slur only if there is a collision. ignore does not move either. In grobs whose notational significance depends on vertical position (such as accidentals, clefs, etc.), outside and around behave like ignore.

control-points (list of number pairs)

List of offsets (number pairs) that form control points for the tie, slur, or bracket shape. For Béziers, this should list the control points of a third-order Bézier curve.

dash-definition (pair)

List of dash-elements defining the dash structure. Each dash-element has a starting t value, an ending t-value, a dash-fraction, and a dash-period.

details (list)

Alist of parameters for detailed grob behavior. More information on the allowed parameters for a grob can be found by looking at the top of the Internals Reference page for each interface having a details property.

direction (direction)

If side-axis is 0 (or X), then this property determines whether the object is placed LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines whether the object is placed UP, CENTER or DOWN. Numerical values may also be used: UP=1, DOWN=-1, LEFT=-1, RIGHT=1, CENTER=0.

head-direction (direction)

Are the note heads left or right in a semitie?

line-thickness (number)

For slurs and ties, this is the diameter of the virtual “pen” that draws the two arcs of the curve’s outline, which intersect at the endpoints. This property is expressed as a multiple of the current staff-line thickness (i.e. the visual output is influenced by changes to Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness).

neutral-direction (direction)

Which direction to take in the center of the staff.

staff-position (number)

Vertical position, measured in half staff spaces, counted from the middle line.

thickness (number)

For grobs made up of lines, this is the thickness of the line. For slurs and ties, this is the distance between the two arcs of the curve’s outline at its thickest point, not counting the diameter of the virtual “pen” that draws the arcs. This property is expressed as a multiple of the current staff-line thickness (i.e. the visual output is influenced by changes to Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness).

This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): Tie.

Internals Reference v2.21.0 (开发分支).