2.2.128 Time_signature_engraver

Create a TimeSignature whenever timeSignatureFraction changes.

Music types accepted:


Properties (read)

initialTimeSignatureVisibility (vector)

break visibility for the initial time signature.

partialBusy (boolean)

Signal that \partial acts at the current timestep.

timeSignatureFraction (fraction, as pair)

A pair of numbers, signifying the time signature. For example, '(4 . 4) is a 4/4 time signature.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s):


Time_signature_engraver is part of the following context(s): DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, MensuralStaff, PetrucciStaff, RhythmicStaff, Staff and TabStaff.

Internals Reference v2.21.0 (Entwicklungszweig).