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[ < Transcription of mensural music ] | [ 上へ : 古代の記譜法テンプレート ] | [ その他のテンプレート > ] |
A.6.2 Gregorian transcription template
This example demonstrates how to do modern transcription of Gregorian music. Gregorian music has no measure, no stems; it uses only half and quarter note heads, and special marks, indicating rests of different length.
\include "gregorian.ly" chant = \relative c' { \set Score.timing = ##f f4 a2 \divisioMinima g4 b a2 f2 \divisioMaior g4( f) f( g) a2 \finalis } verba = \lyricmode { Lo -- rem ip -- sum do -- lor sit a -- met } \score { \new Staff << \new Voice = "melody" \chant \new Lyrics = "one" \lyricsto melody \verba >> \layout { \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \remove "Bar_engraver" \hide Stem } \context { \Voice \override Stem.length = #0 } \context { \Score barAlways = ##t } } }
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[ < Transcription of mensural music ] | [ 上へ : 古代の記譜法テンプレート ] | [ その他のテンプレート > ] |
他の言語: English, català, deutsch, español, français, italiano, nederlands
About automatic language selection.