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[ < Couplet pour solo et refrain à deux voix ] | [ Plus haut: Modèles pour ensemble vocal ] | [ Psalmodie > ] |
A.5.6 Hymnes et cantiques
Le code ci-dessous illustre la manière d’agencer un cantique liturgique dans lequel chaque ligne débute et se termine par une mesure incomplète. Vous noterez par ailleurs l’affichage des paroles indépendamment de la musique.
Timeline = { \time 4/4 \tempo 4=96 \partial 2 s2 | s1 | s2 \breathe s2 | s1 | s2 \bar "||" \break s2 | s1 | s2 \breathe s2 | s1 | s2 \bar "||" } SopranoMusic = \relative g' { g4 g | g g g g | g g g g | g g g g | g2 g4 g | g g g g | g g g g | g g g g | g2 } AltoMusic = \relative c' { d4 d | d d d d | d d d d | d d d d | d2 d4 d | d d d d | d d d d | d d d d | d2 } TenorMusic = \relative a { b4 b | b b b b | b b b b | b b b b | b2 b4 b | b b b b | b b b b | b b b b | b2 } BassMusic = \relative g { g4 g | g g g g | g g g g | g g g g | g2 g4 g | g g g g | g g g g | g g g g | g2 } global = { \key g \major } \score { % Start score << \new PianoStaff << % Start pianostaff \new Staff << % Start Staff = RH \global \clef "treble" \new Voice = "Soprano" << % Start Voice = "Soprano" \Timeline \voiceOne \SopranoMusic >> % End Voice = "Soprano" \new Voice = "Alto" << % Start Voice = "Alto" \Timeline \voiceTwo \AltoMusic >> % End Voice = "Alto" >> % End Staff = RH \new Staff << % Start Staff = LH \global \clef "bass" \new Voice = "Tenor" << % Start Voice = "Tenor" \Timeline \voiceOne \TenorMusic >> % End Voice = "Tenor" \new Voice = "Bass" << % Start Voice = "Bass" \Timeline \voiceTwo \BassMusic >> % End Voice = "Bass" >> % End Staff = LH >> % End pianostaff >> } % End score \markup { \fill-line { "" { \column { \left-align { "This is line one of the first verse" "This is line two of the same" "And here's line three of the first verse" "And the last line of the same" } } } "" } } \paper { % Start paper block indent = 0 % don't indent first system line-width = 130 % shorten line length to suit music } % End paper block
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[ < Couplet pour solo et refrain à deux voix ] | [ Plus haut: Modèles pour ensemble vocal ] | [ Psalmodie > ] |
Autres langues : English, català, deutsch, español, italiano, 日本語, nederlands.
About automatic language selection.