[ << テンプレート ] | [トップ][目次][インデックス][ ? ] | [ GNU Free Documentation License >> ] | ||
[ < 賛美歌 ] | [ 上へ : 合唱テンプレート ] | [ オーケストラ テンプレート > ] |
A.4.7 聖歌
This template shows one way of setting out an Anglican psalm chant. It also shows how the verses may be added as stand-alone text under the music. The two verses are coded in different styles to demonstrate more possibilities.
SopranoMusic = \relative g' { g1 | c2 b | a1 | \bar "||" a1 | d2 c | c b | c1 | \bar "||" } AltoMusic = \relative c' { e1 | g2 g | f1 | f1 | f2 e | d d | e1 | } TenorMusic = \relative a { c1 | c2 c | c1 | d1 | g,2 g | g g | g1 | } BassMusic = \relative c { c1 | e2 e | f1 | d1 | b2 c | g' g | c,1 | } global = { \time 2/2 } dot = \markup { \raise #0.7 \musicglyph #"dots.dot" } tick = \markup { \raise #1 \fontsize #-5 \musicglyph #"scripts.rvarcomma" } % Use markup to center the chant on the page \markup { \fill-line { \score { % centered << \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << \global \clef "treble" \new Voice = "Soprano" << \voiceOne \SopranoMusic >> \new Voice = "Alto" << \voiceTwo \AltoMusic >> >> \new Staff << \clef "bass" \global \new Voice = "Tenor" << \voiceOne \TenorMusic >> \new Voice = "Bass" << \voiceTwo \BassMusic >> >> >> >> \layout { \context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1/2) } \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } } } % End score } } % End markup \markup { \fill-line { \column { \left-align { \null \null \null \line { \fontsize #5 O \fontsize #3 come let us \bold sing | unto \dot the | Lord : let } \line { us heartily \concat { re \bold joice } in the | strength of | our } \line { sal | vation. } \null \line { \hspace #2.5 8. Today if ye will hear his voice * } \line { \concat { \bold hard en } \tick not your \tick hearts : as in the pro- } \line { vocation * and as in the \bold day of tempt- \tick } \line { -ation \tick in the \tick wilderness. } } } } }
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[ < 賛美歌 ] | [ 上へ : 合唱テンプレート ] | [ オーケストラ テンプレート > ] |
他の言語: English, català, deutsch, español, français, italiano, nederlands
About automatic language selection.