2.7.1 Chord mode

Chord mode is used to enter chords using an indicator of the chord structure, rather than the chord pitches.

Chord mode overview

Chords can be entered as simultaneous music, as discussed in Chorded notes.

Chords can also be entered in “chord mode”, which is an input mode that focuses on the structures of chords in traditional European music, rather than on specific pitches. This is convenient for those who are familiar with using chord names to describe chords. More information on different input modes can be found at Input modes.

\chordmode { c1 g a g c }

[image of music]

Chords entered using chord mode are music elements, and can be transposed just like chords entered using simultaneous music. \chordmode is absolute, as \relative has no effect on chordmode blocks. However, in \chordmode the absolute pitches are one octave higher than in note mode.

Chord mode and note mode can be mixed in sequential music:

\relative {
  <c' e g>2 <g b d>
  \chordmode { c2 f }
  <c e g>2 <g' b d>
  \chordmode { f2 g }

[image of music]

See also

Music Glossary: chord.

Notation Reference: Chorded notes, Input modes.

Snippets: Chords.

Known issues and warnings

Predefined shorthands for articulations and ornaments cannot be used on notes in chord mode, see Articulations and ornamentations.

Common chords

Major triads are entered by including the root and an optional duration:

\chordmode { c2 f4 g }

[image of music]

Minor, augmented, and diminished triads are entered by placing : and a quality modifier string after the duration:

\chordmode { c2:m f4:aug g:dim }

[image of music]

Seventh chords can be created:

\chordmode { c1:7 c:m7 c:maj7 c:dim7 c:aug7 }

[image of music]

The table below shows the actions of the quality modifiers on triads and seventh chords. The default seventh step added to chords is a minor or flatted seventh, which makes the dominant seventh the basic seventh chord. All alterations are relative to the dominant seventh. A more complete table of modifier usage is found at Common chord modifiers.

NoneThe default action; produces a major triad.

[image of music]

m, m7The minor chord. This modifier lowers the 3rd.

[image of music]

dim, dim7The diminished chord. This modifier lowers the 3rd, 5th and (if present) the 7th step.

[image of music]

augThe augmented chord. This modifier raises the 5th step.

[image of music]

maj, maj7The major 7th chord. This modifier adds a raised 7th step. The 7 following maj is optional. Do NOT use this modifier to create a major triad.

[image of music]

See also

Notation Reference: Common chord modifiers, Extended and altered chords.

Snippets: Chords.

Known issues and warnings

Only one quality modifier should be used per chord, typically on the highest step present in the chord. Chords with more than quality modifier will be parsed without an error or warning, but the results are unpredictable. Chords that cannot be achieved with a single quality modifier should be altered by individual pitches, as described in Extended and altered chords.

Extended and altered chords

Chord structures of arbitrary complexity can be created in chord mode. The modifier string can be used to extend a chord, add or remove chord steps, raise or lower chord steps, and add a bass note or create an inversion.

The first number following the : is taken to be the extent of the chord. The chord is constructed by sequentially adding thirds to the root until the specified number has been reached. Note that the seventh step added as part of an extended chord will be the minor or flatted seventh, not the major seventh. If the extent is not a third (e.g., 6), thirds are added up to the highest third below the extent, and then the step of the extent is added. The largest possible value for the extent is 13. Any larger value is interpreted as 13.

\chordmode {
  c1:2 c:3 c:4 c:5
  c1:6 c:7 c:8 c:9
  c1:10 c:11 c:12 c:13

[image of music]

As a special exception, c:5 produces a ‘power chord’ only consisting of root and fifth.

Since an unaltered 11 does not sound good when combined with an unaltered 13, the 11 is removed from a :13 chord (unless it is added explicitly).

\chordmode {
  c1:13 c:13.11 c:m13

[image of music]

Individual steps can be added to a chord. Additions follow the extent and are prefixed by a dot (.). The basic seventh step added to a chord is the minor or flatted seventh, rather than the major seventh.

\chordmode {
  c1:3.5.6 c:3.7.8 c:3.6.13

[image of music]

Added steps can be as high as desired.

\chordmode {
  c4:3.5.15 c:3.5.20 c:3.5.25 c:3.5.30

[image of music]

Added chord steps can be altered by suffixing a - or + sign to the number. To alter a step that is automatically included as part of the basic chord structure, add it as an altered step.

\chordmode {
  c1:7+ c:5+.3- c:3-.5-.7-

[image of music]

Following any steps to be added, a series of steps to be removed is introduced in a modifier string with a prefix of ^. If more than one step is to be removed, the steps to be removed are separated by . following the initial ^.

\chordmode {
  c1^3 c:7^5 c:9^3 c:9^3.5 c:13.11^3.7

[image of music]

The modifier sus can be added to the modifier string to create suspended chords. This removes the 3rd step from the chord. Append either 2 or 4 to add the 2nd or 4th step to the chord. When sus is followed by either a 2nd or 4th step, it is equivalent to ^3, otherwise to sus4, namely 5.4.

\chordmode {
  c1:sus c:sus2 c:sus4 c:5.4

[image of music]

Inversions (putting a pitch other than the root on the bottom of the chord) and added bass notes can be specified by appending /pitch to the chord.

\chordmode {
  c'1 c'/e c'/f

[image of music]

A bass note that is part of the chord can be added, instead of moved as part of an inversion, by using /+pitch.

\chordmode {
  c'1 c'/g c'/+e

[image of music]

Chord modifiers that can be used to produce a variety of standard chords are shown in Common chord modifiers.

See also

Notation Reference: Common chord modifiers.

Snippets: Chords.

Known issues and warnings

Each step can only be present in a chord once. The following simply produces the augmented chord, since 5+ is interpreted last.

\chordmode { c1:3.5.5-.5+ }

[image of music]

Other languages: català, deutsch, español, français, italiano, 日本語.
About automatic language selection.

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