[ << Musical notation ] | [Top][Contents][Index][ ? ] | [ Specialist notation >> ] | ||
[ < Staff notation ] | [ Up : Staff notation ] | [ Instantiating new staves > ] |
1.6.1 Displaying staves
This section describes the different methods of creating and grouping staves.
Instantiating new staves | ||
Grouping staves | ||
Nested staff groups | ||
Separating systems |
[ << Musical notation ] | [Top][Contents][Index][ ? ] | [ Specialist notation >> ] | ||
[ < Displaying staves ] | [ Up : Displaying staves ] | [ Grouping staves > ] |
Instantiating new staves
Staves (singular: staff) are created with
the \new
or \context
commands. For details, see
Creating and referencing contexts.
The basic staff context is Staff
\new Staff \relative { c''4 d e f }
The DrumStaff
context creates a five-line staff set up for
a typical drum set. Each instrument is shown with a different
symbol. The instruments are entered in drum mode following a
command, with each instrument specified by name.
For details, see Percussion staves.
\new DrumStaff { \drummode { cymc hh ss tomh } }
creates a single-line staff that only
displays the rhythmic values of the input. Real durations are
preserved. For details, see Showing melody rhythms.
\new RhythmicStaff { c4 d e f }
creates a tablature with six strings in standard
guitar tuning. For details, see Default tablatures.
\new TabStaff \relative { c''4 d e f }
There are two staff contexts specific for the notation of ancient
music: MensuralStaff
and VaticanaStaff
. They are
described in Pre-defined contexts.
The GregorianTranscriptionStaff
context creates a staff to
notate modern Gregorian chant. It does not show bar lines.
\new GregorianTranscriptionStaff \relative { c''4 d e f e d }
New single staff contexts may be defined. For details, see Defining new contexts.
See also
Music Glossary: staff, staves.
Notation Reference: Creating and referencing contexts, Percussion staves, Showing melody rhythms, Default tablatures, Pre-defined contexts, Staff symbol, Gregorian chant contexts, Mensural contexts, Defining new contexts.
Snippets: Staff notation.
Internals Reference: Staff, DrumStaff, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, RhythmicStaff, TabStaff, MensuralStaff, VaticanaStaff, StaffSymbol.
[ << Musical notation ] | [Top][Contents][Index][ ? ] | [ Specialist notation >> ] | ||
[ < Instantiating new staves ] | [ Up : Displaying staves ] | [ Nested staff groups > ] |
Grouping staves
Various contexts exist to group single staves together in order to form multi-stave systems. Each grouping context sets the style of the system start delimiter and the behavior of bar lines.
If no context is specified, the default properties will be used: the group is started with a vertical line, and the bar lines are not connected.
<< \new Staff \relative { c''1 c } \new Staff \relative { c''1 c } >>
In the StaffGroup
context, the group is started with a
bracket and bar lines are drawn through all the staves.
\new StaffGroup << \new Staff \relative { c''1 c } \new Staff \relative { c''1 c } >>
In a ChoirStaff
, the group starts with a bracket, but bar
lines are not connected.
\new ChoirStaff << \new Staff \relative { c''1 c } \new Staff \relative { c''1 c } >>
In a GrandStaff
, the group begins with a brace, and bar
lines are connected between the staves.
\new GrandStaff << \new Staff \relative { c''1 c } \new Staff \relative { c''1 c } >>
The PianoStaff
is identical to a GrandStaff
, except
that it supports printing the instrument name directly. For
details, see Instrument names.
\new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = #"Piano" } << \new Staff \relative { c''1 c } \new Staff \relative { \clef bass c1 c } >>
Each staff group context sets the property
to one of the following values:
, SystemStartBrace
, or
. A fourth delimiter,
, is also available, but it must be
explicitly specified.
New staff group contexts may be defined. For details, see Defining new contexts.
Selected Snippets
Use square bracket at the start of a staff group
The system start delimiter SystemStartSquare
can be used by
setting it explicitly in a StaffGroup
or ChoirStaff
\score { \new StaffGroup { << \set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartSquare \new Staff { c'4 d' e' f' } \new Staff { c'4 d' e' f' } >> } }
Display bracket with only one staff in a system
If there is only one staff in one of the staff types ChoirStaff
or StaffGroup
, by default the bracket and the starting bar line
will not be displayed. This can be changed by overriding
to set its value to be less than the number of
staff lines in the staff.
Note that in contexts such as PianoStaff
and GrandStaff
where the systems begin with a brace instead of a bracket, another
property has to be set, as shown on the second system in the example.
\score { \new StaffGroup << % Must be lower than the actual number of staff lines \override StaffGroup.SystemStartBracket.collapse-height = #4 \override Score.SystemStartBar.collapse-height = #4 \new Staff { c'1 } >> } \score { \new PianoStaff << \override PianoStaff.SystemStartBrace.collapse-height = #4 \override Score.SystemStartBar.collapse-height = #4 \new Staff { c'1 } >> }
Mensurstriche layout (bar lines between the staves)
The mensurstriche-layout where the bar lines do not show on the staves
but between staves can be achieved with a StaffGroup
instead of
a ChoirStaff
. The bar line on staves is blanked out using
global = { \hide Staff.BarLine s1 s % the final bar line is not interrupted \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." } \new StaffGroup \relative c'' { << \new Staff { << \global { c1 c } >> } \new Staff { << \global { c c } >> } >> }
See also
Music Glossary: brace, bracket, grand staff.
Notation Reference: Instrument names, Defining new contexts.
Snippets: Staff notation.
Internals Reference: Staff, StaffGroup, ChoirStaff, GrandStaff, PianoStaff, SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket, SystemStartSquare.
[ << Musical notation ] | [Top][Contents][Index][ ? ] | [ Specialist notation >> ] | ||
[ < Grouping staves ] | [ Up : Displaying staves ] | [ Separating systems > ] |
Nested staff groups
Staff-group contexts can be nested to arbitrary depths. In this case, each child context creates a new bracket adjacent to the bracket of its parent group.
\new StaffGroup << \new Staff \relative { c''2 c | c2 c } \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \relative { g'2 g | g2 g } \new StaffGroup \with { systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartSquare } << \new Staff \relative { e'2 e | e2 e } \new Staff \relative { c'2 c | c2 c } >> >> >>
New nested staff group contexts can be defined. For details, see Defining new contexts.
Selected Snippets
Nesting staves
The property systemStartDelimiterHierarchy
can be used to make
more complex nested staff groups. The command \set
takes an alphabetical list of
the number of staves produced. Before each staff a system start
delimiter can be given. It has to be enclosed in brackets and takes as
much staves as the brackets enclose. Elements in the list can be
omitted, but the first bracket takes always the complete number of
staves. The possibilities are SystemStartBar
, SystemStartBrace
, and
\new StaffGroup \relative c'' << \set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiterHierarchy = #'(SystemStartSquare (SystemStartBrace (SystemStartBracket a (SystemStartSquare b) ) c ) d) \new Staff { c1 } \new Staff { c1 } \new Staff { c1 } \new Staff { c1 } \new Staff { c1 } >>
See also
Notation Reference: Grouping staves, Instrument names, Defining new contexts.
Snippets: Staff notation.
Internals Reference: StaffGroup, ChoirStaff, SystemStartBar, SystemStartBrace, SystemStartBracket, SystemStartSquare.
[ << Musical notation ] | [Top][Contents][Index][ ? ] | [ Specialist notation >> ] | ||
[ < Nested staff groups ] | [ Up : Displaying staves ] | [ Modifying single staves > ] |
Separating systems
If the number of systems per page changes from page to page it is
customary to separate the systems by placing a system separator mark
between them. By default the system separator is blank, but can be
turned on with a \paper
\book { \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { \relative { c''4 c c c \break c4 c c c } } \new Staff { \relative { c''4 c c c \break c4 c c c } } >> } \paper { system-separator-markup = \slashSeparator % following commands are needed only to format this documentation paper-width = 100\mm paper-height = 100\mm tagline = ##f } }
See also
Notation Reference: Page layout.
Snippets: Staff notation.
[ << Musical notation ] | [Top][Contents][Index][ ? ] | [ Specialist notation >> ] | ||
[ < Nested staff groups ] | [ Up : Displaying staves ] | [ Modifying single staves > ] |
Other languages: català, deutsch, español, français, italiano, 日本語.
About automatic language selection.