3.1.4 Output file names

LilyPond provides facilities to allow you to control what file names are used by the various back-ends when producing output files.

In the previous section, we saw how LilyPond prevents name-clashes when producing several outputs from a single source file. You also have the ability to specify your own suffixes for each \book block, so for example you can produce files called ‘eightminiatures-Romanze.pdf’, ‘eightminiatures-Menuetto.pdf’ and ‘eightminiatures-Nocturne.pdf’ by adding a \bookOutputSuffix declaration inside each \book block.

\book {
  \bookOutputSuffix "Romanze"
  \score { … }
  \paper { … }
\book {
  \bookOutputSuffix "Menuetto"
  \score { … }
  \paper { … }
\book {
  \bookOutputSuffix "Nocturne"
  \score { … }
  \paper { … }

You can also specify a different output filename for book block, by using \bookOutputName declarations

\book {
  \bookOutputName "Romanze"
  \score { … }
  \paper { … }
\book {
  \bookOutputName "Menuetto"
  \score { … }
  \paper { … }
\book {
  \bookOutputName "Nocturne"
  \score { … }
  \paper { … }

The file above will produce these output files:

Altres idiomes: English, deutsch, español, français, italiano, 日本語.
Quant a la selecció automàtica de la llengua.

LilyPond — Referència de la notació v2.21.0 (branca de desenvolupament).