2.1.4 Songs

References for songs

Songs are usually written on three staves with the melody for the singer on the top staff and two staves of piano accompaniment at the bottom. The lyrics of the first stanza are printed immediately underneath the top staff. If there are just a small number of further stanzas these can be printed immediately under the first one, but if there are more stanzas than can be easily accommodated there the second and subsequent stanzas are printed after the music as stand-alone text.

All the notational elements needed to write songs are fully described elsewhere:

Vegeu també

Learning Manual: Songs.

Notation Reference: Common notation for vocal music, Displaying chords, Visualització dels pentagrames, Keyboard and other multi-staff instruments, Placing lyrics vertically, Stanzas.

Snippets: Vocal music.

Lead sheets

Lead sheets may be printed by combining vocal parts and ‘chord mode’; this syntax is explained in Chord notation.

Fragments de codi seleccionats

Simple lead sheet

When put together, chord names, a melody, and lyrics form a lead sheet:

  \chords { c2 g:sus4 f e }
  \relative c'' {
    a4 e c8 e r4
    b2 c4( d)
  \addlyrics { One day this shall be free __ }

[image of music]

Vegeu també

Notation Reference: Chord notation.

Altres idiomes: English, deutsch, español, français, italiano, 日本語.
Quant a la selecció automàtica de la llengua.

LilyPond — Referència de la notació v2.21.0 (branca de desenvolupament).