A.12 Text markup list commands

The following commands can all be used with \markuplist:

\column-lines args (markup list)

Like \column, but return a list of lines instead of a single markup. baseline-skip determines the space between each markup in args.

Used properties:

  • baseline-skip
\justified-lines args (markup list)

Like \justify, but return a list of lines instead of a single markup. Use \override-lines #'(line-width . X) to set the line width; X is the number of staff spaces.

Used properties:

  • text-direction (1)
  • word-space
  • line-width (#f)
  • baseline-skip
\map-markup-commands compose (procedure) args (markup list)

This applies the function compose to every markup in args (including elements of markup list command calls) in order to produce a new markup list. Since the return value from a markup list command call is not a markup list but rather a list of stencils, this requires passing those stencils off as the results of individual markup calls. That way, the results should work out as long as no markups rely on side effects.

\override-lines new-prop (pair) args (markup list)

Like \override, for markup lists.

\score-lines score (score)

This is the same as the \score markup but delivers its systems as a list of lines. Its score argument is entered in braces like it would be for \score.

\table column-align (number list) lst (markup list)

Returns a table.

column-align specifies how each column is aligned, possible values are -1, 0, 1. The number of elements in column-align determines how many columns will be printed. The entries to print are given by lst, a markup-list. If needed, the last row is filled up with point-stencils. Overriding padding may be used to increase columns horizontal distance. Overriding baseline-skip to increase rows vertical distance.

\markuplist {
  \override #'(padding . 2)
    #'(0 1 0 -1)
      \underline { center-aligned right-aligned center-aligned left-aligned }
      one \number 1 thousandth \number 0.001
      eleven \number 11 hundredth \number 0.01
      twenty \number 20 tenth \number 0.1
      thousand \number 1000 one \number 1.0

[image of music]

Used properties:

  • baseline-skip
  • padding (0)

Used properties:

  • baseline-skip
\wordwrap-internal justify (boolean) args (markup list)

Internal markup list command used to define \justify and \wordwrap.

Used properties:

  • text-direction (1)
  • word-space
  • line-width (#f)
\wordwrap-lines args (markup list)

Like \wordwrap, but return a list of lines instead of a single markup. Use \override-lines #'(line-width . X) to set the line width, where X is the number of staff spaces.

Used properties:

  • text-direction (1)
  • word-space
  • line-width (#f)
  • baseline-skip
\wordwrap-string-internal justify (boolean) arg (string)

Internal markup list command used to define \justify-string and \wordwrap-string.

Used properties:

  • text-direction (1)
  • word-space
  • line-width

Más nyelvek: català, deutsch, español, français, italiano, 日本語.
About automatic language selection.

LilyPond — Notation Reference v2.21.0 (development-branch).