2.5 Conversions manuelles
En théorie, un programme tel que convert-ly
devrait pouvoir
traiter n’importe quel changement de syntaxe. En effet, si un programme
informatique sait interpréter aussi bien une version que l’autre, un
autre programme informatique doit alors être capable de traduire un
fichier donné1.
Le projet LilyPond ne dispose cependant que de ressources limitées : les conversions ne sont pas toutes automatisées. Voici une liste de problèmes clairement identifiés :
1.6->2.0: Doesn't always convert figured bass correctly, specifically things like {< >}. Mats' comment on working around this: To be able to run convert-ly on it, I first replaced all occurrences of '{<' to some dummy like '{#' and similarly I replaced '>}' with '&}'. After the conversion, I could then change back from '{ #' to '{ <' and from '& }' to '> }'. Doesn't convert all text markup correctly. In the old markup syntax, it was possible to group a number of markup commands together within parentheses, e.g. -#'((bold italic) "string") This will incorrectly be converted into -\markup{{\bold italic} "string"} instead of the correct -\markup{\bold \italic "string"} 2.0->2.2: Doesn't handle \partcombine Doesn't do \addlyrics => \lyricsto, this breaks some scores with multiple stanzas. 2.0->2.4: \magnify isn't changed to \fontsize. - \magnify #m => \fontsize #f, where f = 6ln(m)/ln(2) remove-tag isn't changed. - \applyMusic #(remove-tag '. . .) => \keepWithTag #'. . . first-page-number isn't changed. - first-page-number no => print-first-page-number = ##f Line breaks in header strings aren't converted. - \\\\ as line break in \header strings => \markup \center-align < "First Line" "Second Line" > Crescendo and decrescendo terminators aren't converted. - \rced => \! - \rc => \! 2.2->2.4: \turnOff (used in \set Staff.VoltaBracket = \turnOff) is not properly converted. 2.4.2->2.5.9 \markup{ \center-align <{ ... }> } should be converted to: \markup{ \center-align {\line { ... }} } but now, \line is missing. 2.4->2.6 Special LaTeX characters such as $~$ in text are not converted to UTF8. 2.8 \score{} must now begin with a music expression. Anything else (particularly \header{}) must come after the music.
Notes de bas de page
[1] Ceci est réalisable tant que le fichier LilyPond ne contient pas de Scheme. Dès lors qu’un fichier contient du Scheme, des bribes de langage évolué se retrouvent danas le fichier LilyPond, ce qui conduit immanquablement au « problème de l’arrêt » bien connu en informatique.
Autres langues : English, català, deutsch, español, magyar, italiano, 日本語.
About automatic language selection.