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1.1.4 Línia d’ordres
Nota: These instructions assume that you are familiar with command-line programs. If you are using any of the programs described in Easier editing, consult the documentation for those programs should you have any problems.
Step 1. Create your ‘.ly’ file
Create a text file called ‘test.ly’ and enter:
\version "2.18.2" { c' e' g' e' }
Step 2. Compile (with command-line)
To process ‘test.ly’, type the following at the command prompt:
lilypond test.ly
You will see something resembling:
GNU LilyPond 2.18.2 Processing `test.ly' Parsing... Interpreting music... Preprocessing graphical objects... Solving 1 page-breaking chunks...[1: 1 pages] Drawing systems... Layout output to `test.ps'... Converting to `./test.pdf'... Success: compilation successfully completed
Step 3. View output
You may view or print the resulting ‘test.pdf’.
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[ < Windows ] | [ Amunt : Compilació d'un fitxer ] | [ Com escriure fitxers d'entrada > ] |
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