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3.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
By this point, you’ve seen this kind of thing:
hornNotes = \relative { c''4 b dis c } \score { { \hornNotes } }
You may even realize that this could be useful in minimalist music:
fragmentA = \relative { a'4 a8. b16 } fragmentB = \relative { a'8. gis16 ees4 } violin = \new Staff { \fragmentA \fragmentA | \fragmentB \fragmentA | } \score { { \violin } }
However, you can also use these variables (also known as macros, or user-defined commands) for tweaks:
dolce = \markup { \italic \bold dolce } padText = { \once \override TextScript.padding = #5.0 } fthenp =_\markup { \dynamic f \italic \small { 2nd } \hspace #0.1 \dynamic p } violin = \relative { \repeat volta 2 { c''4._\dolce b8 a8 g a b | \padText c4.^"hi there!" d8 e' f g d | c,4.\fthenp b8 c4 c-. | } } \score { { \violin } \layout { ragged-right = ##t } }
These variables are obviously useful for saving typing. But they’re worth considering even if you only use them once – they reduce complexity. Let’s look at the previous example without any variables. It’s a lot harder to read, especially the last line.
violin = \relative { \repeat volta 2 { c''4._\markup { \italic \bold dolce } b8 a8 g a b | \once \override TextScript.padding = #5.0 c4.^"hi there!" d8 e' f g d | c,4.\markup { \dynamic f \italic \small { 2nd } \hspace #0.1 \dynamic p } b8 c4 c-. | } }
So far we’ve seen static substitution – when LilyPond
sees \padText
, it replaces it with the stuff that
we’ve defined it to be (ie the stuff to the right of
LilyPond can handle non-static substitution, too (you can think of these as functions).
padText = #(define-music-function (padding) (number?) #{ \once \override TextScript.padding = #padding #}) \relative { c'''4^"piu mosso" b a b | \padText #1.8 c4^"piu mosso" d e f | \padText #2.6 c4^"piu mosso" fis a g | }
Using variables is also a good way to reduce work if the
LilyPond input syntax changes (see
Updating files with convert-ly). If
you have a single definition (such as \dolce
) for all your
input files (see Style sheets), then if the syntax changes, you
only need to update your single \dolce
instead of making changes throughout every ‘.ly’ file.
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About automatic language selection.