| Index Entry | Section |
% | | |
| % | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| %{ ... %} | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
' | | |
| ' | Toonhoogten |
( | | |
| ( ... ) | 2.1.3 Overbindingen en legatobogen |
, | | |
| , | Toonhoogten |
. | | |
| ... | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
< | | |
| < | 2.2.4 Het combineren van noten tot accoorden |
| < ... > | 2.2.4 Het combineren van noten tot accoorden |
| << | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| << | 2.2.5 Polyfonie binnen een notenbalk |
| << ... >> | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| << ... \\ ... >> | 2.2.5 Polyfonie binnen een notenbalk |
| << \\ >> | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
> | | |
| > | 2.2.4 Het combineren van noten tot accoorden |
| >> | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| >> | 2.2.5 Polyfonie binnen een notenbalk |
[ | | |
| [ | 2.1.6 Automatische en handmatige waardestrepen |
| [ ... ] | 2.1.6 Automatische en handmatige waardestrepen |
\ | | |
| \! | Dynamiek |
| \( ... \) | 2.1.3 Overbindingen en legatobogen |
| \< | Dynamiek |
| \> | Dynamiek |
| \acciaccatura | Versieringen |
| \addlyrics | 2.3.1 Het zetten van eenvoudige liedjes |
| \addlyrics example | 4.2.1 Properties of layout objects |
| \addlyrics , example | 4.2.2 Properties found in interfaces |
| \appoggiatura | Versieringen |
| \autoBeamOff | 2.1.6 Automatische en handmatige waardestrepen |
| \autoBeamOff | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| \autoBeamOn | 2.1.6 Automatische en handmatige waardestrepen |
| \book | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| \book | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| \clef | Sleutel |
| \consists | 3.3.5 Adding and removing engravers |
| \context | Setting context properties with \context |
| \f | Dynamiek |
| \ff | Dynamiek |
| \grace | Versieringen |
| \header | 2.4.2 Titels toevoegen |
| \header | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| \hide | The transparent property |
| \key | Toonsoorten |
| \layout | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| \layout | Changing all contexts of the same type |
| \lyricmode | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| \lyricsto | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| \major | Toonsoorten |
| \markup | 2.1.5 Tekst toevoegen |
| \mf | Dynamiek |
| \midi | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| \minor | Toonsoorten |
| \mp | Dynamiek |
| \new | 2.2.2 Meerdere notenbalken |
| \new | 3.3.2 Creating contexts |
| \new ChoirStaff | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| \new Lyrics | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| \new Staff | 2.2.2 Meerdere notenbalken |
| \new Voice | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| \omit | The stencil property |
| \omit | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| \once | The \once prefix |
| \once | Overriding once only |
| \oneVoice | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| \override | The \override command |
| \overrideProperty | The \overrideProperty command |
| \p | Dynamiek |
| \partial | Opmaat |
| \pp | Dynamiek |
| \relative | Toonhoogten |
| \remove | 3.3.5 Adding and removing engravers |
| \revert | The \revert command |
| \revert | Reverting |
| \score | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| \score | 3.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression |
| \set | 3.3.4 Modifying context properties |
| \set , example of using | Fingering |
| \shiftOff | Note columns |
| \shiftOn | Note columns |
| \shiftOnn | Note columns |
| \shiftOnnn | Note columns |
| \single | Tying notes across voices |
| \startTextSpan | The outside-staff-priority property |
| \stopTextSpan | The outside-staff-priority property |
| \tempo | Tempo-aanduidingen |
| \textLengthOff | The \textLengthOn command |
| \textLengthOn | The \textLengthOn command |
| \time | Maatsoort |
| \times | Antimetrische figuren |
| \tweak | The \tweak command |
| \tweak , Accidental | The \tweak command |
| \tweak , example | The \tweak command |
| \tweak , example | The \tweak command |
| \tweak , example | The \tweak command |
| \tweak , specific layout object | The \tweak command |
| \unset | 3.3.4 Modifying context properties |
| \version | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| \voiceFour | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| \voiceFourStyle | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| \voiceNeutralStyle | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| \voiceOne | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| \voiceOneStyle | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| \voiceThree | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| \voiceThreeStyle | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| \voiceTwo | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| \voiceTwoStyle | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| \with | Setting context properties with \with |
| \with , example | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| \with , example | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| \with , example | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| \with , example | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| \with , example | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| \\ | 2.2.5 Polyfonie binnen een notenbalk |
| \\ | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
] | | |
| ] | 2.1.6 Automatische en handmatige waardestrepen |
^ | | |
| ^ | Vingerzetting |
_ | | |
| _ | Vingerzetting |
~ | | |
| ~ | 2.1.3 Overbindingen en legatobogen |
A | | |
| absolute modus | 2.4.3 Absolute notenamen |
| absolute notenamen | 2.4.3 Absolute notenamen |
| absolute waarden voor toonhoogten | 2.4.3 Absolute notenamen |
| accent | Articulaties |
| acciaccatura | Versieringen |
| accidental | Toonhoogten |
| accidental | Verplaatsingstekens |
| accidental | Waarschuwing: toonsoorten en toonhoogten |
| Accidental, example of overriding | The right-padding property |
| AccidentalPlacement, example of overriding | The right-padding property |
| Accidentals | Zie ook |
| accolades | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| accoorden | 2.2.4 Het combineren van noten tot accoorden |
| adding engravers | 3.3.5 Adding and removing engravers |
| algemene fouten | 1.3.2 Enkele algemene fouten |
| alignAboveContext property, example | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| alignAboveContext property, example | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| alignAboveContext property, example | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| alignAboveContext property, example | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| alignAboveContext property, example | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| aligning objects on a baseline | The staff-padding property |
| alt | Sleutel |
| ambitus | Changing a single context |
| ambitus engraver | Changing a single context |
| anacrouse | Opmaat |
| anacrusis | Opmaat |
| antimetrische figuren | Antimetrische figuren |
| apostrof, enkel aanhalingsteken | Toonhoogten |
| Apparent error | 2.3.1 Het zetten van eenvoudige liedjes |
| appoggiatura | Versieringen |
| articulatie | Articulaties |
| articulation | Waarschuwingen: legatobogen versus overbindingen |
| articulation | Articulaties |
| Articulations and ornamentations | Zie ook |
| articulations and slurs | The outside-staff-priority property |
| Automatic accidentals | Waarschuwing: toonsoorten en toonhoogten |
| Automatic accidentals | Zie ook |
| Automatic beams | Zie ook |
| automatische waardestrepen | 2.1.6 Automatische en handmatige waardestrepen |
B | | |
| Bar and bar number checks | Zie ook |
| bar numbers, tweaking placement | The outside-staff-priority property |
| BarLine, example of overriding | The stencil property |
| BarLine, example of overriding | The stencil property |
| BarLine, example of overriding | The break-visibility property |
| BarLine, example of overriding | The color property |
| BarLine, example of overriding | The color property |
| BarLine, example of overriding | The color property |
| BarLine, example of overriding | The color property |
| bas | Sleutel |
| beam | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
| beam | 2.1.6 Automatische en handmatige waardestrepen |
| Beam, example of overriding | The positions property |
| beaming and lyrics | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| beams, controlling manually | The positions property |
| bestanden, tips om te maken | 1.4.1 Weggelaten materiaal |
| bestandsstructuur | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| blokcommentaar | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| blokcommentaar | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| boek | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| boek | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| boek blok, impliciet | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| boog, frasering | 2.1.3 Overbindingen en legatobogen |
| bound-details property, example | The outside-staff-priority property |
| bound-details property, example | The outside-staff-priority property |
| bouwen van bestanden, tips | 1.4.1 Weggelaten materiaal |
| brace | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| bracket types | 3.1.4 On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties |
| bracket, triplet | The \tweak command |
| bracket, tuplet | The \tweak command |
| brackets, enclosing vs. marking | 3.1.4 On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties |
| brackets, nesting | 3.1.4 On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties |
| break-visibility property | The break-visibility property |
| break-visibility property, example | The break-visibility property |
C | | |
| Calculations in Scheme | 4.2.3 Types of properties |
| Callback functions | 4.6.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme |
| center | The direction property |
| Changing context default settings | Zie ook |
| Changing context default settings | Zie ook |
| changing size of objects | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| choir staff | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| ChoirStaff | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| ChoirStaff | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| chord | 2.2.4 Het combineren van noten tot accoorden |
| Chorded notes | Zie ook |
| ChordNames | 2.2.2 Meerdere notenbalken |
| chords vs. voices | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| Clef | Zie ook |
| clef | Sleutel |
| Clef, example of overriding | The color property |
| Clef, example of overriding | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| Clef, example of overriding | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| Clef, example of overriding | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| Clef, example of overriding | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| Collision resolution | 4.5.3 Real music example |
| collisions, notes | Note columns |
| color property | The color property |
| color property, example | The \override command |
| color property, example | The \revert command |
| color property, example | The \once prefix |
| color property, example | The \tweak command |
| color property, example | The \tweak command |
| color property, example | The color property |
| color property, example | The color property |
| color property, example | The color property |
| color property, example | The color property |
| color property, setting to Scheme procedure | 4.6.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme |
| color, rgb | The color property |
| color, X11 | The color property |
| combineren van gelijktijdige uitdrukkingen | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| commentaar | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| commentaar, blok | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| commentaar, regel | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| commentaren | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| Common | 1.3.2 Enkele algemene fouten |
| compileren | 1.1.1 Invoer schrijven |
| compound music expression | 3.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression |
| concurrent music | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| contents of a score block | 3.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression |
| context | 2.2.2 Meerdere notenbalken |
| context properties | 3.3.4 Modifying context properties |
| context properties, modifying | 3.3.4 Modifying context properties |
| context properties, setting with \context | Setting context properties with \context |
| context properties, setting with \with | Setting context properties with \with |
| context, finding | Finding the context |
| context, identifying correct | Finding the context |
| context, notatie | 2.2.2 Meerdere notenbalken |
| context, Voice | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| contexten, impliciet | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| Contexts | 3.3.4 Modifying context properties |
| Contexts | Zie ook |
| Contexts explained | Zie ook |
| contexts explained | 3.3.1 Contexts explained |
| contexts, creating | 3.3.2 Creating contexts |
| contexts, naming | 3.3.2 Creating contexts |
| controlling tuplets, slurs, phrasing slurs, and beams manually | The positions property |
| Creating contexts | Zie ook |
| creating contexts | 3.3.2 Creating contexts |
| Creating MIDI files | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| Creating titles headers and footers | 2.4.2 Titels toevoegen |
| crescendo | Dynamiek |
D | | |
| decrescendo | Dynamiek |
| default properties, reverting to | Reverting |
| Difficult tweaks | The \overrideProperty command |
| direction property, example | The \tweak command |
| direction property, example | The direction property |
| direction property, example | Fingering |
| Displaying staves | Zie ook |
| distances | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| dotted note | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
| double | Verplaatsingstekens |
| double flat | Verplaatsingstekens |
| down | The direction property |
| draaien van LilyPond onder MacOS X | 1.1.2 MacOS X |
| draaien van LilyPond onder Unix | 1.1.4 Commandoregel |
| draaien van LilyPond onder Windows | 1.1.3 Windows |
| dubbelkruis | Verplaatsingstekens |
| dubbelmol | Verplaatsingstekens |
| duration | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
| DynamicLineSpanner, example of overriding | The staff-padding property |
| dynamics | Dynamiek |
| Dynamics | Zie ook |
| dynamics, tweaking placement | Dynamics placement |
| DynamicText, example of overriding | Grob sizing |
| DynamicText, example of overriding | Grob sizing |
| DynamicText, example of overriding | The staff-padding property |
| dynamiek | Dynamiek |
E | | |
| eenvoudige notatie | 1.2.1 Eenvoudige notatie |
| Eenvoudiger bewerken | Het produceren van uitvoer |
| Eenvoudiger bewerken | 1.1.2 MacOS X |
| Eenvoudiger bewerken | 1.1.3 Windows |
| Eenvoudiger bewerken | 1.1.4 Commandoregel |
| eerste voorbeeld | 1.1.1 Invoer schrijven |
| engravers | 3.3.3 Engravers explained |
| Engravers and Performers | Zie ook |
| engravers, adding | 3.3.5 Adding and removing engravers |
| engravers, removing | 3.3.5 Adding and removing engravers |
| enkelbalks polyfonie | 2.2.5 Polyfonie binnen een notenbalk |
| es | Verplaatsingstekens |
| eses | Verplaatsingstekens |
| example of writing a score | 3.4.3 Building a score from scratch |
| expressies | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| extender line | 2.3.2 Liedteksten uitrichten op een melodie |
| extra-offset property | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| extra-offset property, example | The extra-offset property |
| extra-spacing-width | Grob sizing |
| extra-spacing-width property | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| extra-spacing-width property, example | Grob sizing |
| extra-spacing-width property, example | Grob sizing |
| extra-spacing-width property, example | The staff-padding property |
F | | |
| fermata, implementing in MIDI | Simulating a fermata in MIDI |
| File structure | 3.1 Hoe LilyPond-invoerbestanden werken |
| File structure | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| File structure | Zie ook |
| fingering | Vingerzetting |
| fingering example | Fingering |
| fingering example | Fingering |
| fingering example | Fingering |
| fingering example | Fingering |
| Fingering instructions | Zie ook |
| fingering, chords | Fingering |
| Fingering, example of overriding | Fingering |
| Fingering, example of overriding | The extra-offset property |
| fingering, placement | Fingering |
| fingeringOrientations property, example | Fingering |
| fixing overlapping notation | The padding property |
| flat | Verplaatsingstekens |
| flat | Waarschuwing: toonsoorten en toonhoogten |
| font-series property, example | 4.6.2 Using variables for tweaks |
| font-shape property, example | 4.2.2 Properties found in interfaces |
| font-shape property, example | 4.6.2 Using variables for tweaks |
| font-size property, example | The \tweak command |
| font-size property, example | The \tweak command |
| fontSize property, example | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| fontSize property, example | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| fontSize, default and setting | Setting context properties with \with |
| force-hshift property | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| force-hshift property, example | The force-hshift property |
| force-hshift property, example | 4.5.3 Real music example |
| fouten, algemene | 1.3.2 Enkele algemene fouten |
| fraseringsboog | 2.1.3 Overbindingen en legatobogen |
G | | |
| gebruik van variables | 2.4.1 Stukken organiseren met variabelen |
| gelijktijdige uitdrukkingen | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| gelijktijdige uitdrukkingen en relatieve noten | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| gepuncteerde noot | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
| grace notes | Versieringen |
| Grace notes | Zie ook |
| GrandStaff | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| graphical objects | 3.4.3 Building a score from scratch |
| grob | 4.1.2 Objects and interfaces |
| grob sizing | Grob sizing |
| grobs | 3.4.3 Building a score from scratch |
| grobs, moving colliding | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| grobs, positioning | The extra-offset property |
| grobs, properties of | 4.2.1 Properties of layout objects |
H | | |
| haakjes, gekruld | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| half note | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
| halve noot | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
| handleiding, lezen | 1.4.1 Weggelaten materiaal |
| Handleidingen | LilyPond – Beginnershandleiding |
| Handleidingen | LilyPond – Beginnershandleiding |
| handmatige waardestrepen | 2.1.6 Automatische en handmatige waardestrepen |
| hele noot | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
| het lezen van de handleiding | 1.4.1 Weggelaten materiaal |
| hiding objects | 4.6.1 Other uses for tweaks |
| hoe de handleidingen te lezen | 1.4.1 Weggelaten materiaal |
| hoofdlettergevoelig | 1.1.1 Invoer schrijven |
| hoofdlettergevoelig | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| hymn structure | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
I | | |
| identifiers | 2.4.1 Stukken organiseren met variabelen |
| impliciet boek blok | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| impliciete contexten | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| Input modes | 3.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression |
| interface | 4.1.2 Objects and interfaces |
| interface | 4.1.2 Objects and interfaces |
| interface | 4.2.2 Properties found in interfaces |
| interface properties | 4.2.2 Properties found in interfaces |
| Internals Reference | 4.2 The Internals Reference manual |
| Internals Reference manual | 4.2.1 Properties of layout objects |
| Internals Reference, example of using | 4.2.1 Properties of layout objects |
| interval | Toonhoogten |
| invisible objects | 4.6.1 Other uses for tweaks |
| invoer versus layout | Toonsoorten |
| invoerformaat | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| is | Verplaatsingstekens |
| isis | Verplaatsingstekens |
| italic, example | 4.2.2 Properties found in interfaces |
K | | |
| Key signature | Zie ook |
| key signature | Toonsoorten |
| key signature | Waarschuwing: toonsoorten en toonhoogten |
| Keyboard and other multi-staff instruments | Zie ook |
| klikbare voorbeelden | 1.4.1 Weggelaten materiaal |
| komma | Toonhoogten |
| koorbalk | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| kop | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| kopjes | 2.4.2 Titels toevoegen |
| kruis | Verplaatsingstekens |
| kruis, dubbel | Verplaatsingstekens |
| kwartnoot | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
L | | |
| layers | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| layout object | 4.1.2 Objects and interfaces |
| layout objects, properties of | 4.2.1 Properties of layout objects |
| layout versus invoer | Toonsoorten |
| legatobogen versus overbindingen | Fraseringsbogen |
| legatoboog | 2.1.3 Overbindingen en legatobogen |
| legatolijn | 2.3.2 Liedteksten uitrichten op een melodie |
| lengten | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
| lengten noteren | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
| length | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| liedjes | 2.3.1 Het zetten van eenvoudige liedjes |
| liedteksten | 2.3.1 Het zetten van eenvoudige liedjes |
| liedteksten en meerdere notenbalken | 2.3.3 Liedteksten bij meerdere notenbalken |
| liedteksten, uitrichten | 2.3.2 Liedteksten uitrichten op een melodie |
| liedteksten, woorden met meerdere lettergrepen | 2.3.2 Liedteksten uitrichten op een melodie |
| LilyPond Scheme syntax | The \override command |
| List of colors | The color property |
| List of colors | The color property |
| Lyrics | 2.2.2 Meerdere notenbalken |
| lyrics | 2.3.1 Het zetten van eenvoudige liedjes |
| Lyrics | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| lyrics and beaming | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| Lyrics context, creating | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| lyrics, linking to voice | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| LyricText, example of overriding | 4.2.2 Properties found in interfaces |
| LyricText, example of overriding | 4.6.2 Using variables for tweaks |
M | | |
| maatsoort | Maatsoort |
| MacOS X, draaien van LilyPond | 1.1.2 MacOS X |
| macro’s | 2.4.1 Stukken organiseren met variabelen |
| magstep | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| magstep function, example of using | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| majeur, groot | Toonsoorten |
| major | Toonsoorten |
| manuaalbalk | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| Manual beams | Zie ook |
| manually controlling tuplets, slurs, phrasing slurs, and beams | The positions property |
| markup | 2.1.5 Tekst toevoegen |
| markup example | 4.4.1 Automatic behavior |
| markup text, allowing collisions | The \textLengthOn command |
| meerdere notenbalken | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| meerdere notenbalken | 2.2.2 Meerdere notenbalken |
| meerdere notenbalken en liedteksten | 2.3.3 Liedteksten bij meerdere notenbalken |
| meerdere stemmen | 2.2.5 Polyfonie binnen een notenbalk |
| melisma | 2.3.2 Liedteksten uitrichten op een melodie |
| metronome | Tempo-aanduidingen |
| metronome mark, tweaking placement | The outside-staff-priority property |
| metronome marks | Tempo-aanduidingen |
| MetronomeMark, example of overriding | The padding property |
| MetronomeMark, example of overriding | Simulating a fermata in MIDI |
| MetronomeMark, example of overriding | Simulating a fermata in MIDI |
| middle C | Toonhoogten |
| midi | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| mineur, klein | Toonsoorten |
| minor | Toonsoorten |
| Modifying context plug-ins | Zie ook |
| modifying context properties | 3.3.4 Modifying context properties |
| Modifying properties | The padding property |
| modifying templates | 3.4.1 Soprano and cello |
| Modifying ties and slurs | The positions property |
| mol | Verplaatsingstekens |
| mol, dubbel | Verplaatsingstekens |
| moving colliding grobs | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| moving colliding objects | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| moving overlapping objects | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| MultiMeasureRest, example of overriding | The staff-position property |
| Multiple scores in a book | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| multiple vocal verses | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| multiple voices | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| Multiple voices | Zie ook |
| Multiple voices | Zie ook |
| music expression, compound | 3.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression |
| music, concurrent | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| music, simultaneous | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| Musical notation | 2.4.4 Na het leerboek |
| muziek weergeven | Het produceren van uitvoer |
| muziekuitdrukking | 2.2.1 Muziekuitdrukkingen nader verklaard |
| muziekuitdrukking, samengesteld | 2.2.1 Muziekuitdrukkingen nader verklaard |
N | | |
| naming contexts | 3.3.2 Creating contexts |
| naming conventions for objects | 4.1.3 Naming conventions of objects and properties |
| naming conventions for properties | 4.1.3 Naming conventions of objects and properties |
| naslag | Versieringen |
| natural | Waarschuwing: toonsoorten en toonhoogten |
| nesting music expressions | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| nesting simultaneous constructs | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| nesting voices | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| neutral | The direction property |
| new contexts | 3.3.2 Creating contexts |
| nootlengten | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
| nootlengten in accoorden | 2.2.4 Het combineren van noten tot accoorden |
| notatie, eenvoudig | 1.2.1 Eenvoudige notatie |
| notatiecontext | 2.2.2 Meerdere notenbalken |
| note collisions | Note columns |
| note column | Note columns |
| Note names in | Verplaatsingstekens |
| Note names in other languages | Zie ook |
| note value | Antimetrische figuren |
| NoteColumn, example of overriding | The force-hshift property |
| NoteColumn, example of overriding | 4.5.3 Real music example |
| NoteHead, example of overriding | The \override command |
| NoteHead, example of overriding | The \revert command |
| NoteHead, example of overriding | The \once prefix |
| NoteHead, example of overriding | The \tweak command |
| NoteHead, example of overriding | The color property |
| NoteHead, example of overriding | 4.6.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme |
| notenamen | 2.4.3 Absolute notenamen |
| notenamen, absolute | 2.4.3 Absolute notenamen |
| notenbalk, koor | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| notenbalk, manuaal | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| notenbalk, piano | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| notenbalken, meerdere | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| notenbalken, meerdere | 2.2.2 Meerdere notenbalken |
| notenbalkgroep | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| notes, spreading out with text | The \textLengthOn command |
O | | |
| object | 4.1.2 Objects and interfaces |
| object collision within a staff | The staff-position property |
| object properties | 4.1.2 Objects and interfaces |
| object, layout | 4.1.2 Objects and interfaces |
| objects, aligning on a baseline | The staff-padding property |
| objects, changing size of | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| objects, graphical | 3.4.3 Building a score from scratch |
| objects, hiding | 4.6.1 Other uses for tweaks |
| objects, invisible | 4.6.1 Other uses for tweaks |
| objects, making invisible | 4.6.1 Other uses for tweaks |
| objects, moving colliding | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| objects, naming conventions | 4.1.3 Naming conventions of objects and properties |
| objects, outside-staff | 4.4.1 Automatic behavior |
| objects, positioning | The extra-offset property |
| objects, removing | 4.6.1 Other uses for tweaks |
| objects, size of | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| objects, within-staff | 4.4.1 Automatic behavior |
| octave | Toonhoogten |
| once override | Overriding once only |
| onvolledige maat | Opmaat |
| oplossen van problemen | 1.3 Omgaan met foutmeldingen |
| opmaak | 2.1.5 Tekst toevoegen |
| opmaak | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| opmaakblok, effect van locatie | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| opmaat | Opmaat |
| ossia | 3.1.3 Nesting music expressions |
| ossia | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| Ossia staves | Zie ook |
| ossias | 3.1.3 Nesting music expressions |
| ottava bracket | The outside-staff-priority property |
| outside-staff objects | 4.4.1 Automatic behavior |
| outside-staff-priority property, example | The outside-staff-priority property |
| outside-staff-priority property, example | The \textLengthOn command |
| overbinding | 2.1.3 Overbindingen en legatobogen |
| overlapping notation | The padding property |
| override command | The \override command |
| override example | 4.2.1 Properties of layout objects |
| override syntax | The \override command |
| overrideProperty command | The \overrideProperty command |
| overriding once only | Overriding once only |
| Overview of modifying properties | 3.4.3 Building a score from scratch |
P | | |
| padding | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| padding | The padding property |
| padding property | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| padding property, example | The padding property |
| padding property, example | The padding property |
| Painting objects white | The color property |
| partituren, verscheidene | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| partituur | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| PDF-bestand | Het produceren van uitvoer |
| phrasing | Fraseringsbogen |
| Phrasing slurs | Zie ook |
| phrasing slurs, controlling manually | The positions property |
| PhrasingSlur, example of overriding | The positions property |
| pianobalk | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| PianoStaff | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| pitch | Toonhoogten |
| pitch | Waarschuwing: toonsoorten en toonhoogten |
| Pitch names | Waarschuwing: toonsoorten en toonhoogten |
| polyfonie | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| polyfonie | 2.2.5 Polyfonie binnen een notenbalk |
| polyphony | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| polyphony and relative note entry | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| positioning grobs | The extra-offset property |
| positioning objects | The extra-offset property |
| positions property | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| positions property, example | The positions property |
| positions property, example | The positions property |
| problemen oplossen | 1.3 Omgaan met foutmeldingen |
| properties in interfaces | 4.2.2 Properties found in interfaces |
| properties of grobs | 4.2.1 Properties of layout objects |
| properties of layout objects | 4.2.1 Properties of layout objects |
| properties operating in contexts | 3.3.4 Modifying context properties |
| properties, naming conventions | 4.1.3 Naming conventions of objects and properties |
| properties, object | 4.1.2 Objects and interfaces |
| properties, sub-properties | 3.4.3 Building a score from scratch |
| property types | 4.2.3 Types of properties |
Q | | |
| quarter note | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
R | | |
| regelcommentaar | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| regercommentaar | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| rehearsal marks, tweaking placement | The outside-staff-priority property |
| relatieve modus | Toonhoogten |
| relatieve modus, en toevallige tekens | Toonhoogten |
| relatieve noten en gelijktijdige muziek | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| relatieve noten en gelijktijdige uitdrukkingen | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| relative note entry and polyphony | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| removing engravers | 3.3.5 Adding and removing engravers |
| removing objects | 4.6.1 Other uses for tweaks |
| rest | Rusten |
| revert | Reverting |
| revert command | The \revert command |
| reverting to a single voice | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| rgb colors | The color property |
| rgb-color | The color property |
| right-padding property | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| right-padding property | The right-padding property |
| right-padding property, example | The right-padding property |
| ritmen | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
| rust | Rusten |
| rust, spatie | 2.2.5 Polyfonie binnen een notenbalk |
| rusten noteren | Rusten |
S | | |
| samengestelde muziekuitdrukking | 2.2.1 Muziekuitdrukkingen nader verklaard |
| SATB structure | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| SATB template | 3.4.2 Four-part SATB vocal score |
| scale | Toonhoogten |
| Scheme tutorial | 4.2.2 Properties found in interfaces |
| Scheme tutorial | Zie ook |
| Scheme tutorial | Zie ook |
| Scheme tutorial | Installed from a package manager or compiled from source |
| Scheme tutorial | 4.6.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme |
| Score | 2.2.2 Meerdere notenbalken |
| score | 3.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression |
| score block, contents of | 3.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression |
| Score layout | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| score, example of writing | 3.4.3 Building a score from scratch |
| Script, example of overriding | The padding property |
| self-alignment-X property | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| self-alignment-X property, example | The self-alignment-X property |
| setting properties within contexts | 3.3.4 Modifying context properties |
| sharp | Verplaatsingstekens |
| sharp | Waarschuwing: toonsoorten en toonhoogten |
| shift commands | Note columns |
| simultane muziek en relatieve noten | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| simultaneous music | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| Simultaneous notes | Zie ook |
| size of objects | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| size, changing | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| sizing grobs | Grob sizing |
| sjablonen | 1.4.1 Weggelaten materiaal |
| sleutel | Sleutel |
| slur | Legatobogen |
| slur | Fraseringsbogen |
| slur | Waarschuwingen: legatobogen versus overbindingen |
| Slur example of overriding | 4.2.1 Properties of layout objects |
| Slur, example of overriding | Overriding once only |
| Slur, example of overriding | Reverting |
| Slur, example of overriding | Reverting |
| Slurs | Zie ook |
| slurs and articulations | The outside-staff-priority property |
| slurs and outside-staff-priority | The outside-staff-priority property |
| slurs crossing brackets | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| slurs, controlling manually | The positions property |
| sopraan | Sleutel |
| spacing notes | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| spanner | 4.1.2 Objects and interfaces |
| spanners | The outside-staff-priority property |
| spatierust | 2.2.5 Polyfonie binnen een notenbalk |
| speelwijze | Articulaties |
| staccato | Articulaties |
| Staff | 2.2.2 Meerdere notenbalken |
| staff | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| staff line spacing, changing | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| staff, positioning | 3.1.3 Nesting music expressions |
| staff-padding property | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| staff-padding property, example | The staff-padding property |
| staff-position property | 4.5.1 Moving objects |
| staff-position property, example | The staff-position property |
| staff-position property, example | 4.5.3 Real music example |
| staff-space property, example | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| StaffSymbol, example of overriding | The color property |
| StaffSymbol, example of overriding | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| staves, stretchability | 3.4.3 Building a score from scratch |
| staves, temporary | 3.1.3 Nesting music expressions |
| stem directions and voices | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| stem down | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| stem length, changing | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| stem up | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| Stem, example of overriding | The color property |
| Stem, example of overriding | The direction property |
| Stem, example of overriding | 4.5.3 Real music example |
| Stem, example of overriding | Tying notes across voices |
| stemmen, meerdere op een balk | 2.2.5 Polyfonie binnen een notenbalk |
| stencil property | The stencil property |
| stencil property, example | The stencil property |
| stencil property, example | The stencil property |
| stencil property, example | The transparent property |
| stencil property, example | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| stencil property, example | The right-padding property |
| stencil property, example | Simulating a fermata in MIDI |
| stencil property, use of | Simulating a fermata in MIDI |
| streepjes | 2.3.2 Liedteksten uitrichten op een melodie |
| stretchability of staves | 3.4.3 Building a score from scratch |
| StringNumber, example of overriding | The self-alignment-X property |
| Structure of a score | Zie ook |
| sub-properties | 3.4.3 Building a score from scratch |
| Suggestions for writing | 1.4.3 Overzicht van handleidingen |
| system | 2.2.3 Notenbalkgroepen |
| system | Zie ook |
| system | Zie ook |
T | | |
| tekens toegestaan in variabelen | 2.4.1 Stukken organiseren met variabelen |
| tekst, toevoegen | 2.1.5 Tekst toevoegen |
| tekst-editors | Het produceren van uitvoer |
| template, modifying | 3.4.1 Soprano and cello |
| template, SATB | 3.4.2 Four-part SATB vocal score |
| template, writing your own | 3.4.3 Building a score from scratch |
| tempo indication | Tempo-aanduidingen |
| tempo marks | Tempo-aanduidingen |
| temporary staves | 3.1.3 Nesting music expressions |
| tenor | Sleutel |
| text property, example | The \tweak command |
| text property, example | The right-padding property |
| text spanner | The outside-staff-priority property |
| Text spanners | The outside-staff-priority property |
| TextScript, example of overriding | The outside-staff-priority property |
| TextScript, example of overriding | The \textLengthOn command |
| TextSpanner, example of overriding | The outside-staff-priority property |
| TextSpanner, example of overriding | The outside-staff-priority property |
| The set command | Zie ook |
| The tweak command | Zie ook |
| thickness | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| thickness property, example | 4.2.1 Properties of layout objects |
| thickness property, example | Overriding once only |
| thickness property, example | Reverting |
| thickness property, example | Reverting |
| tie | Overbindingen |
| tie | Waarschuwingen: legatobogen versus overbindingen |
| Tie, example of overriding | 4.5.3 Real music example |
| Ties | Zie ook |
| ties crossing brackets | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| time signature | Maatsoort |
| Time signature | Zie ook |
| TimeSignature, example of overriding | The transparent property |
| TimeSignature, example of overriding | The transparent property |
| TimeSignature, example of overriding | The color property |
| TimeSignature, example of overriding | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| TimeSignature, example of overriding | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| TimeSignature, example of overriding | 4.3.2 Size of objects |
| TimeSignature, example of overriding | 4.3.3 Length and thickness of objects |
| tips voor het bouwen van bestanden | 1.4.1 Weggelaten materiaal |
| titel | 2.4.2 Titels toevoegen |
| titelblok | 2.4.2 Titels toevoegen |
| toevallige tekens en relatieve modus | Toonhoogten |
| toevallige tekens en toonsoort | Toonsoorten |
| toevallige tekens en toonsoorten | Verplaatsingstekens |
| toevoegen van tekst text | 2.1.5 Tekst toevoegen |
| toonhoogten | Toonhoogten |
| toonhoogten, absolute waarden | 2.4.3 Absolute notenamen |
| toonsoort | Toonsoorten |
| toonsoort, zetten van | Verplaatsingstekens |
| Top | 1.4.3 Overzicht van handleidingen |
| Top | 1.4.3 Overzicht van handleidingen |
| transparency | The transparent property |
| transparent property | The transparent property |
| transparent property, example | The \tweak command |
| transparent property, example | The transparent property |
| transparent property, example | 4.5.3 Real music example |
| transparent property, example | Tying notes across voices |
| transparent property, example | Simulating a fermata in MIDI |
| transparent property, use of | 4.6.1 Other uses for tweaks |
| transposition | Waarschuwing: toonsoorten en toonhoogten |
| triolen | Antimetrische figuren |
| triplet | Antimetrische figuren |
| triplet bracket | The \tweak command |
| triplets, nested | The \tweak command |
| Troubleshooting | 1.3.1 Algemene tips voor het oplossen van problemen |
| Tunable context properties | 3.3.4 Modifying context properties |
| Tunable context properties | Zie ook |
| tuplet beams, controlling manually | The positions property |
| tuplet bracket | The \tweak command |
| tuplet-number function, example | The \tweak command |
| TupletBracket | The \tweak command |
| TupletNumber, example of overriding | The \tweak command |
| Tuplets | Zie ook |
| tuplets, nested | The \tweak command |
| tweak command | The \tweak command |
| tweak, generated from override | Tying notes across voices |
| tweaking bar number placement | The outside-staff-priority property |
| tweaking dynamics placement | Dynamics placement |
| tweaking methods | 4.1.4 Tweaking methods |
| tweaking metronome mark placement | The outside-staff-priority property |
| tweaking rehearsal mark placement | The outside-staff-priority property |
| tweaks, using variables for | 4.6.2 Using variables for tweaks |
| tying notes across voices | Tying notes across voices |
U | | |
| uitdrukking, muziek | 2.2.1 Muziekuitdrukkingen nader verklaard |
| uitdrukkingen, gelijktijdig | Simultane muziekuitdrukkingen: meerdere notenbalken |
| uitrichten van liedteksten | 2.3.2 Liedteksten uitrichten op een melodie |
| underscore | 2.3.2 Liedteksten uitrichten op een melodie |
| Unix, draaien van LilyPond | 1.1.4 Commandoregel |
| up | The direction property |
| Upbeats | Zie ook |
| Updating files with convert-ly | 3.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions |
| using variables for tweaks | 4.6.2 Using variables for tweaks |
V | | |
| variabelen | 2.4.1 Stukken organiseren met variabelen |
| variabelen | 3.1.1 Inleiding in de LilyPond-bestandsstructuur |
| variabelen toekennen | 2.4.1 Stukken organiseren met variabelen |
| variabelen, definiëren | 2.4.1 Stukken organiseren met variabelen |
| variabelen, toegestane tekens in | 2.4.1 Stukken organiseren met variabelen |
| variables | 3.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions |
| variables | 3.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions |
| variables gebruiken | 2.4.1 Stukken organiseren met variabelen |
| variables, using for tweaks | 4.6.2 Using variables for tweaks |
| verplaatsingstekens | Verplaatsingstekens |
| verplaatsingstekens en toonsoort | Toonsoorten |
| verses, multiple vocal | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| versie | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| versie aangeven | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| versienummer | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| versieringen | Versieringen |
| vingerzetting | Vingerzetting |
| viool | Sleutel |
| Vocal music | Zie ook |
| Vocal music | Zie ook |
| Vocal music | Zie ook |
| vocal score structure | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| vocal scores with multiple verses | 3.2.3 Voices and vocals |
| Voice | 2.2.2 Meerdere notenbalken |
| Voice context | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| voice contexts, creating | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| voices and stem directions | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| voices crossing brackets | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| voices vs. chords | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| voices, multiple | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| voices, naming | 3.2.1 I’m hearing Voices |
| voices, nesting | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| voices, reverting to single | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| voices, temporary | 3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices |
| voorbeeld, eerste | 1.1.1 Invoer schrijven |
| voorbeelden, aanklikbaar | 1.4.1 Weggelaten materiaal |
| voorslag | Versieringen |
W | | |
| waardestrepen | 2.1.6 Automatische en handmatige waardestrepen |
| waardestrepen, automatisch | 2.1.6 Automatische en handmatige waardestrepen |
| waardestrepen, handmatig | 2.1.6 Automatische en handmatige waardestrepen |
| waardestrepen, met de hand | 2.1.6 Automatische en handmatige waardestrepen |
| whole note | Nootlengten (ritmen) |
| Windows, draaien van LilyPond | 1.1.3 Windows |
| within-staff objects | 4.4.1 Automatic behavior |
| witruimteongevoelig | 1.2.2 Werken met invoerbestanden |
| woorden met meerdere lettergrepen in liedteksten | 2.3.2 Liedteksten uitrichten op een melodie |
| writing a score, example | 3.4.3 Building a score from scratch |
| Writing pitches | Zie ook |
| Writing rests | Zie ook |
| Writing rhythms | Zie ook |
| Writing text | Zie ook |
X | | |
| X11 colors | The color property |
| x11-color | The color property |
| x11-color function, example of using | 4.6.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme |
| x11-color, example of using | The color property |