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[ < Note names in other languages ] | [ Up : Pitches ] | [ Octave checks > ] |
1.1.2 Changing multiple pitches
This section discusses how to modify pitches.
Octave checks | ||
Transpose | ||
Inversion | ||
Retrograde | ||
Modal transformations |
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[ < Changing multiple pitches ] | [ Up : Changing multiple pitches ] | [ Transpose > ] |
Octave checks
In relative mode, it is easy to forget an octave changing mark. Octave checks make such errors easier to find by displaying a warning and correcting the octave if a note is found in an unexpected octave.
To check the octave of a note, specify the absolute octave after
the =
symbol. This example will generate a warning
(and change the pitch) because the second note is the absolute
octave d''
instead of d'
as indicated by the octave
\relative { c''2 d='4 d e2 f }
The octave of notes may also be checked with the
\octaveCheck controlpitch
is specified in absolute mode. This
checks that the interval between the previous note and the
is within a fourth (i.e., the normal
calculation of relative mode). If this check fails, a warning is
printed. While the previous note itself is not changed, future
notes are relative to the corrected value.
\relative { c''2 d \octaveCheck c' e2 f }
Compare the two bars below. The first and third \octaveCheck
checks fail, but the second one does not fail.
\relative { c''4 f g f c4 \octaveCheck c' f \octaveCheck c' g \octaveCheck c' f }
See also
Snippets: Pitches.
Internals Reference: RelativeOctaveCheck.
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[ < Octave checks ] | [ Up : Changing multiple pitches ] | [ Inversion > ] |
A music expression can be transposed with \transpose
. The
syntax is
\transpose frompitch topitch musicexpr
This means that musicexpr
is transposed by the
interval between the pitches frompitch
: any note with pitch frompitch
is changed to topitch
and any other note is
transposed by the same interval. Both pitches are entered in
absolute mode.
Note: Music inside a \transpose
block is absolute
unless a \relative
is included in the block.
Consider a piece written in the key of D-major. It can be transposed up to E-major; note that the key signature is automatically transposed as well.
\transpose d e { \relative { \key d \major d'4 fis a d } }
If a part written in C (normal concert pitch) is to be played on the A clarinet (for which an A is notated as a C and thus sounds a minor third lower than notated), the appropriate part will be produced with:
\transpose a c' { \relative { \key c \major c'4 d e g } }
Note that we specify \key c \major
explicitly. If we
do not specify a key signature, the notes will be transposed but
no key signature will be printed.
distinguishes between enharmonic pitches: both
\transpose c cis
or \transpose c des
transpose up a semitone. The first version will print sharps and
the notes will remain on the same scale step, the second version
will print flats on the scale step above.
music = \relative { c' d e f } \new Staff { \transpose c cis { \music } \transpose c des { \music } }
may also be used in a different way, to input
written notes for a transposing instrument. The previous examples
show how to enter pitches in C (or concert pitch) and
typeset them for a transposing instrument, but the opposite is
also possible if you for example have a set of instrumental parts
and want to print a conductor’s score. For example, when entering
music for a B-flat trumpet that begins on a notated E (concert D),
one would write:
musicInBflat = { e4 … } \transpose c bes, \musicInBflat
To print this music in F (e.g., rearranging to a French horn) you
could wrap the existing music with another \transpose
musicInBflat = { e4 … } \transpose f c' { \transpose c bes, \musicInBflat }
For more information about transposing instruments, see Instrument transpositions.
Selected Snippets
Transposing pitches with minimum accidentals ("Smart" transpose)
This example uses some Scheme code to enforce enharmonic modifications for notes in order to have the minimum number of accidentals. In this case, the following rules apply:
Double accidentals should be removed
B sharp -> C
E sharp -> F
C flat -> B
F flat -> E
In this manner, the most natural enharmonic notes are chosen.
#(define (naturalize-pitch p) (let ((o (ly:pitch-octave p)) (a (* 4 (ly:pitch-alteration p))) ;; alteration, a, in quarter tone steps, ;; for historical reasons (n (ly:pitch-notename p))) (cond ((and (> a 1) (or (eqv? n 6) (eqv? n 2))) (set! a (- a 2)) (set! n (+ n 1))) ((and (< a -1) (or (eqv? n 0) (eqv? n 3))) (set! a (+ a 2)) (set! n (- n 1)))) (cond ((> a 2) (set! a (- a 4)) (set! n (+ n 1))) ((< a -2) (set! a (+ a 4)) (set! n (- n 1)))) (if (< n 0) (begin (set! o (- o 1)) (set! n (+ n 7)))) (if (> n 6) (begin (set! o (+ o 1)) (set! n (- n 7)))) (ly:make-pitch o n (/ a 4)))) #(define (naturalize music) (let ((es (ly:music-property music 'elements)) (e (ly:music-property music 'element)) (p (ly:music-property music 'pitch))) (if (pair? es) (ly:music-set-property! music 'elements (map naturalize es))) (if (ly:music? e) (ly:music-set-property! music 'element (naturalize e))) (if (ly:pitch? p) (begin (set! p (naturalize-pitch p)) (ly:music-set-property! music 'pitch p))) music)) naturalizeMusic = #(define-music-function (m) (ly:music?) (naturalize m)) music = \relative c' { c4 d e g } \score { \new Staff { \transpose c ais { \music } \naturalizeMusic \transpose c ais { \music } \transpose c deses { \music } \naturalizeMusic \transpose c deses { \music } } \layout { } }
See also
Notation Reference: Instrument transpositions, Inversion, Modal transformations, Relative octave entry, Retrograde.
Snippets: Pitches.
Internals Reference: TransposedMusic.
Known issues and warnings
The relative conversion will not affect \transpose
or \relative
sections in its argument. To use
relative mode within transposed music, an additional \relative
must be placed inside \transpose
Triple accidentals will not be printed if using \transpose
. An
‘enharmonically equivalent’ pitch will be used instead (e.g., d-flat
rather than e-triple-flat).
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[ < Transpose ] | [ Up : Changing multiple pitches ] | [ Retrograde > ] |
A music expression can be inverted and transposed in a single operation with:
\inversion around-pitch to-pitch musicexpr
The musicexpr
is inverted interval-by-interval around
, and then transposed so that
is mapped to to-pitch
music = \relative { c' d e f } \new Staff { \music \inversion d' d' \music \inversion d' ees' \music }
Note: Motifs to be inverted should be expressed in absolute form
or be first converted to absolute form by enclosing them in a
See also
Notation Reference: Modal transformations, Retrograde, Transpose.
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[ < Inversion ] | [ Up : Changing multiple pitches ] | [ Modal transformations > ] |
A music expression can be reversed to produce its retrograde:
music = \relative { c'8. ees16( fis8. a16 b8.) gis16 f8. d16 } \new Staff { \music \retrograde \music }
Known issues and warnings
is a rather simple tool. Since many events are
‘mirrored’ rather than exchanged, tweaks and directional
modifiers for opening spanners need to be added at the matching
closing spanners: ^(
needs to be ended by ^)
, every
or \cresc
needs to be ended by \!
, every \>
or \decr
needs to be ended
by \enddecr
. Property-changing commands/overrides with a
lasting effect will likely cause surprises.
See also
Notation Reference: Inversion, Modal transformations, Transpose.
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[ < Retrograde ] | [ Up : Changing multiple pitches ] | [ Displaying pitches > ] |
Modal transformations
In a musical composition that is based on a scale, a motif is frequently transformed in various ways. It may be transposed to start at different places in the scale or it may be inverted around a pivot point in the scale. It may also be reversed to produce its retrograde, see Retrograde.
Note: Any note that does not lie within the given scale will be left untransformed.
Modal transposition
A motif can be transposed within a given scale with:
\modalTranspose from-pitch to-pitch scale motif
The notes of motif are shifted within the scale by the number of scale degrees given by the interval between to-pitch and from-pitch:
diatonicScale = \relative { c' d e f g a b } motif = \relative { c'8 d e f g a b c } \new Staff { \motif \modalTranspose c f \diatonicScale \motif \modalTranspose c b, \diatonicScale \motif }
An ascending scale of any length and with any intervals may be specified:
pentatonicScale = \relative { ges aes bes des ees } motif = \relative { ees'8 des ges,4 <ges' bes,> <ges bes,> } \new Staff { \motif \modalTranspose ges ees' \pentatonicScale \motif }
When used with a chromatic scale \modalTranspose
has a
similar effect to \transpose
, but with the ability to
specify the names of the notes to be used:
chromaticScale = \relative { c' cis d dis e f fis g gis a ais b } motif = \relative { c'8 d e f g a b c } \new Staff { \motif \transpose c f \motif \modalTranspose c f \chromaticScale \motif }
Modal inversion
A motif can be inverted within a given scale around a given pivot note and transposed in a single operation with:
\modalInversion around-pitch to-pitch scale motif
The notes of motif are placed the same number of scale degrees from the around-pitch note within the scale, but in the opposite direction, and the result is then shifted within the scale by the number of scale degrees given by the interval between to-pitch and around-pitch.
So to simply invert around a note in the scale use the same value for around-pitch and to-pitch:
octatonicScale = \relative { ees' f fis gis a b c d } motif = \relative { c'8. ees16 fis8. a16 b8. gis16 f8. d16 } \new Staff { \motif \modalInversion fis' fis' \octatonicScale \motif }
To invert around a pivot between two notes in the scale, invert around one of the notes and then transpose by one scale degree. The two notes specified can be interpreted as bracketing the pivot point:
scale = \relative { c' g' } motive = \relative { c' c g' c, } \new Staff { \motive \modalInversion c' g' \scale \motive }
The combined operation of inversion and retrograde produce the retrograde-inversion:
octatonicScale = \relative { ees' f fis gis a b c d } motif = \relative { c'8. ees16 fis8. a16 b8. gis16 f8. d16 } \new Staff { \motif \retrograde \modalInversion c' c' \octatonicScale \motif }
See also
Notation Reference: Inversion, Retrograde, Transpose.
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[ < Retrograde ] | [ Up : Changing multiple pitches ] | [ Displaying pitches > ] |
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