B. Cheat sheet

1 2 8 16durations

[image of music]

c4. c4..augmentation dots

[image of music]

c d e f g a b scale

[image of music]

fis besalteration

[image of music]

\clef treble \clef bass clefs

[image of music]

\time 3/4 \time 4/4 time signature

[image of music]

r4 r8rest

[image of music]

d ~ dtie

[image of music]

\key es \major key signature

[image of music]

note'raise octave

[image of music]

note,lower octave

[image of music]

c( d e)slur

[image of music]

c\( c( d) e\)phrasing slur

[image of music]

a8[ b]beam

[image of music]

<< \new Staff … >>more staves

[image of music]

c-> c-.articulations

[image of music]

c2\mf c\sfzdynamics

[image of music]

a\< a a\!crescendo

[image of music]

a\> a a\!decrescendo

[image of music]

< >chord

[image of music]

\partial 8pickup / upbeat

[image of music]

\tuplet 3/2 {f g a}triplets

[image of music]

\gracegrace notes

[image of music]

\lyricmode { twinkle }entering lyricstwinkle
\new Lyricsprinting lyrics

[image of music]

twin -- klelyric hyphen

[image of music]

\chordmode { c:dim f:maj7 }chords

[image of music]

\new ChordNamesprinting chord names

[image of music]

<<{e f} \\ {c d}>>polyphony

[image of music]

s4 s8 s16spacer rests

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LilyPond — Notation Reference v2.21.0 (开发分支).