5.4.4 Dimensions

The dimensions of a graphical object specify the positions of the left and right edges and the bottom and top edges of the objects’ bounding box as distances from the objects’ reference point in units of staff-spaces. These positions are usually coded as two Scheme pairs. For example, the text markup command \with-dimensions takes three arguments, the first two of which are a Scheme pair giving the left and right edge positions and a Scheme pair giving the bottom and top edge positions:

\with-dimensions #'(-5 . 10) #'(-3 . 15) arg

This specifies a bounding box for arg with its left edge at -5, its right edge at 10, its bottom edge at -3 and its top edge at 15, all measured from the objects’ reference point in units of staff-spaces.

See also

Notation Reference: Distances and measurements.

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LilyPond — Notation Reference v2.21.0 (development-branch).