3.5.9 Enhancing MIDI output

The default MIDI output is basic but can be improved by setting MIDI instruments, \midi block properties and/or using the ‘articulate’ script.

The ‘articulate’ script

To use the ‘articulate’ script add the appropriate \include command at the top of the input file;

\include "articulate.ly"

The script creates MIDI output into appropriately ‘time-scaled’ notes to match many articulation and tempo indications. Engraved output however, will also be altered to literally match the MIDI output.

\score {
  \articulate <<
    … music …
  \midi { }

The \articulate command enables abbreviatures (such as trills and turns) to be processed. A full list of supported items can be found in the script itself. See ‘ly/articulate.ly’.

Vegeu també

Learning Manual: Other sources of information.

Notation Reference: Score layout.

Installed Files: ‘ly/articulate.ly’.

Nota: The ‘articulate’ script may shorten chords, which might not be appropriate for some types of instrument, such as organ music. Notes that do not have any articulations attached to them may also be shortened; so to allow for this, restrict the use of the articulate function to shorter segments of music, or modify the values of the variables defined in the ‘articulate’ script to compensate for the note-shortening behavior.

Altres idiomes: English, español, français, italiano.
Quant a la selecció automàtica de la llengua.

LilyPond — Referència de la notació v2.21.0 (branca de desenvolupament).