[ << General input and output ] | [Part superior][Continguts][Índex][ ? ] | [ Spacing issues >> ] | ||
[ < Supported notation for MIDI ] | [ Amunt : Creating MIDI output ] | [ The MIDI block > ] |
3.5.2 Unsupported notation for MIDI
The following items of musical notation cannot be output to MIDI;
- Articulations other than staccato, staccatissimo, accent, marcato and portato
- Crescendi and decrescendi over a single note
- Fermata
- Figured bass
- Glissandi
- Falls and doits
- Microtonal chords
- Rhythms entered as annotations, e.g., swing
- Tempo changes without
(e.g., entered as annotations) - Tremolos that are entered with a ‘
[number]’ value
[ << General input and output ] | [Part superior][Continguts][Índex][ ? ] | [ Spacing issues >> ] | ||
[ < Supported notation for MIDI ] | [ Amunt : Creating MIDI output ] | [ The MIDI block > ] |
Altres idiomes: English, español, français, italiano.
Quant a la selecció automàtica de la llengua.