5.4.8 Line styles

Some performance indications, e.g., rallentando and accelerando and trills are written as text and are extended over many measures with lines, sometimes dotted or wavy.

These all use the same routines as the glissando for drawing the texts and the lines, and tuning their behavior is therefore also done in the same way. It is done with a spanner, and the routine responsible for drawing the spanners is ly:line-spanner::print. This routine determines the exact location of the two span points and draws a line between them, in the style requested.

Here is an example showing the different line styles available, and how to tune them.

\relative {
  d''2 \glissando d'2
  \once \override Glissando.style = #'dashed-line
  d,2 \glissando d'2
  \override Glissando.style = #'dotted-line
  d,2 \glissando d'2
  \override Glissando.style = #'zigzag
  d,2 \glissando d'2
  \override Glissando.style = #'trill
  d,2 \glissando d'2

[image of music]

The locations of the end-points of the spanner are computed on-the-fly for every graphic object, but it is possible to override these:

\relative {
  e''2 \glissando f
  \once \override Glissando.bound-details.right.Y = #-2
  e2 \glissando f

[image of music]

The value for Y is set to -2 for the right end point. The left side may be similarly adjusted by specifying left instead of right.

If Y is not set, the value is computed from the vertical position of the left and right attachment points of the spanner.

Other adjustments of spanners are possible, for details, see Spanners.

其他语言:català, deutsch, español, français, italiano, 日本語
About automatic language selection.

LilyPond — Notation Reference v2.21.0 (开发分支).