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A.11.4 Music
time-sig (number or pair) -
Draw a numeric time signature.
\markup { \column { \line { Single number: \compound-meter #3 } \line { Conventional: \compound-meter #'(4 . 4) or \compound-meter #'(4 4) } \line { Compound: \compound-meter #'(2 3 8) } \line { Single-number compound: \compound-meter #'((2) (3)) } \line { Complex compound: \compound-meter #'((2 3 8) (3 4)) } } }
num-strings (integer) staff-space (number) -
Draw a tab clef sans-serif style.
Draw a double flat symbol.
\markup { \doubleflat }
Draw a double sharp symbol.
\markup { \doublesharp }
Create a fermata glyph. When direction is
, use an inverted glyph. Note that within music, one would usually use the\fermata
articulation instead of a markup.{ c''1^\markup \fermata d''1_\markup \fermata } \markup { \fermata \override #`(direction . ,DOWN) \fermata }
Used properties:
Draw a flat symbol.
\markup { \flat }
glyph-name (string) -
glyph-name is converted to a musical symbol; for example,
\musicglyph #"accidentals.natural"
selects the natural sign from the music font. See The Emmentaler font for a complete listing of the possible glyphs.\markup { \musicglyph #"f" \musicglyph #"rests.2" \musicglyph #"clefs.G_change" }
Draw a natural symbol.
\markup { \natural }
log (number) dot-count (number) dir (number) -
Construct a note symbol, with stem and flag. By using fractional values for dir, longer or shorter stems can be obtained. Supports all note-head-styles. Ancient note-head-styles will get mensural-style-flags.
may be overridden independently. Supported flag-styles aredefault
. The latter two flag-styles will both result in mensural-flags. Both are supplied for convenience.\markup { \note-by-number #3 #0 #DOWN \hspace #2 \note-by-number #1 #2 #0.8 }
Used properties:
(’()) -
(’()) -
duration (duration) dir (number) -
This produces a note with a stem pointing in dir direction, with the duration for the note head type and augmentation dots. For example,
\note {4.} #-0.75
creates a dotted quarter note, with a shortened down stem.\markup { \override #'(style . cross) { \note {4..} #UP } \hspace #2 \note {\breve} #0 }
Used properties:
(’()) -
(’()) -
log (number) dot-count (number) -
A rest or multi-measure-rest symbol.
\markup { \rest-by-number #3 #2 \hspace #2 \rest-by-number #0 #1 \hspace #2 \override #'(multi-measure-rest . #t) \rest-by-number #0 #0 }
Used properties:
(#f) -
(’()) -
duration (string) -
This produces a rest, with the duration for the rest type and augmentation dots.
are valid input-strings.Printing MultiMeasureRests could be enabled with
\override #'(multi-measure-rest . #t)
If MultiMeasureRests are taken, the MultiMeasureRestNumber is printed above. This is enabled for all styles using default-glyphs. Could be disabled with\override #'(multi-measure-rest-number . #f)
\markup { \rest #"4.." \hspace #2 \rest #"breve" \hspace #2 \override #'(multi-measure-rest . #t) { \rest #"7" \hspace #2 \override #'(multi-measure-rest-number . #f) \rest #"7" } }
Used properties:
(0.6) -
(#t) -
(#f) -
score (score) -
Inline an image of music. The reference point (usually the middle staff line) of the lowest staff in the top system is placed on the baseline.
\markup { \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \relative c' { \key f \major \time 3/4 \mark \markup { Allegro } f2\p( a4) c2( a4) bes2( g'4) f8( e) e4 r } \new Staff \relative c { \clef bass \key f \major \time 3/4 f8( a c a c a f c' es c es c) f,( bes d bes d bes) f( g bes g bes g) } >> \layout { indent = 0.0\cm \context { \Score \override RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbols = #'(time-signature key-signature) \override RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT } \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'break-align-anchor-alignment = #LEFT } } } }
Used properties:
Draw a semiflat symbol.
\markup { \semiflat }
Draw a semisharp symbol.
\markup { \semisharp }
Draw a 3/2 flat symbol.
\markup { \sesquiflat }
Draw a 3/2 sharp symbol.
\markup { \sesquisharp }
Draw a sharp symbol.
\markup { \sharp }
str (string) -
Like simple-markup, but use tie characters for ‘~’ tilde symbols.
\markup \column { \tied-lyric #"Siam navi~all'onde~algenti Lasciate~in abbandono" \tied-lyric #"Impetuosi venti I nostri~affetti sono" \tied-lyric #"Ogni diletto~e scoglio Tutta la vita~e~un mar." }
Used properties:
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