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1.4.2 Short repeats
This section discusses how to input short repeats. Short repeats can take two forms: slashes or percent signs to represent repeats of a single note, a single measure or two measures, and tremolos otherwise.
Percent repeats | ||
Tremolo repeats |
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Percent repeats
Repeated short patterns are printed once, and the repeated pattern is replaced with a special sign.
The syntax is
\repeat percent number musicexpr
where musicexpr
is a music expression.
Patterns that are shorter than one measure are replaced by slashes.
\relative c'' { \repeat percent 4 { c128 d e f } \repeat percent 4 { c64 d e f } \repeat percent 5 { c32 d e f } \repeat percent 4 { c16 d e f } \repeat percent 4 { c8 d } \repeat percent 4 { c4 } \repeat percent 2 { c2 } }
Patterns of one or two measures are replaced by percent-like symbols.
\relative c'' { \repeat percent 2 { c4 d e f } \repeat percent 2 { c2 d } \repeat percent 2 { c1 } }
\relative { \repeat percent 3 { c''4 d e f | c2 g' } }
Patterns that are shorter than one measure but contain mixed durations use a double-percent symbol.
\relative { \repeat percent 4 { c''8. <d f>16 } \repeat percent 2 { \tuplet 3/2 { r8 c d } e4 } }
Selected Snippets
Percent repeat counter
Measure repeats of more than two repeats can get a counter when the convenient property is switched, as shown in this example:
\relative c'' { \set countPercentRepeats = ##t \repeat percent 4 { c1 } }
Percent repeat count visibility
Percent repeat counters can be shown at regular intervals by setting
the context property repeatCountVisibility
\relative c'' { \set countPercentRepeats = ##t \set repeatCountVisibility = #(every-nth-repeat-count-visible 5) \repeat percent 10 { c1 } \break \set repeatCountVisibility = #(every-nth-repeat-count-visible 2) \repeat percent 6 { c1 d1 } }
Isolated percent repeats
Isolated percents can also be printed.
makePercent = #(define-music-function (note) (ly:music?) "Make a percent repeat the same length as NOTE." (make-music 'PercentEvent 'length (ly:music-length note))) \relative c'' { \makePercent s1 }
See also
Music Glossary: percent repeat, simile.
Snippets: Repeats.
Internals Reference: RepeatSlash, RepeatSlashEvent, DoubleRepeatSlash, PercentRepeat, PercentRepeatCounter, PercentRepeatedMusic, Percent_repeat_engraver, DoublePercentEvent, DoublePercentRepeat, DoublePercentRepeatCounter, Double_percent_repeat_engraver, Slash_repeat_engraver.
Known issues and warnings
Percent repeats will not contain anything else apart from the percent sign itself; in particular, timing changes will not be repeated.
\repeat percent 3 { \time 5/4 c2. 2 \time 4/4 2 2 }
Any meter changes or \partial
commands need to occur in parallel
passages outside of any percent repeat, e.g in a separate
timing track.
<< \repeat percent 3 { c2. 2 2 2 } \repeat unfold 3 { \time 5/4 s4*5 \time 4/4 s1 } >>
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Tremolo repeats
Tremolos can take two forms: alternation between two chords or two notes, and rapid repetition of a single note or chord. Tremolos consisting of an alternation are indicated by adding beams between the notes or chords being alternated, while tremolos consisting of the rapid repetition of a single note are indicated by adding beams or slashes to a single note.
To place tremolo marks between notes, use \repeat
tremolo style:
\relative c'' { \repeat tremolo 8 { c16 d } \repeat tremolo 6 { c16 d } \repeat tremolo 2 { c16 d } }
The \repeat tremolo
syntax expects exactly two notes within
the braces, and the number of repetitions must correspond to a
note value that can be expressed with plain or dotted notes. Thus,
\repeat tremolo 7
is valid and produces a double dotted
note, but \repeat tremolo 9
is not.
The duration of the tremolo equals the duration of the
braced expression multiplied by the number of repeats:
\repeat tremolo 8 { c16 d16 }
gives a whole note tremolo,
notated as two whole notes joined by tremolo beams.
There are two ways to put tremolo marks on a single note. The
\repeat tremolo
syntax is also used here, in which case
the note should not be surrounded by braces:
\repeat tremolo 4 c'16
The same output can be obtained by adding :N
the note, where N
indicates the duration of the
subdivision (it must be at least 8). If N
is 8, one
beam is added to the note’s stem. If N
is omitted,
the last value is used:
\relative { c''2:8 c:32 c: c: }
Selected Snippets
Cross-staff tremolos
Since \repeat tremolo
expects exactly two musical arguments for
chord tremolos, the note or chord which changes staff within a
cross-staff tremolo should be placed inside curly braces together with
its \change Staff
\new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "up" \relative c'' { \key a \major \time 3/8 s4. } \new Staff = "down" \relative c'' { \key a \major \time 3/8 \voiceOne \repeat tremolo 6 { <a e'>32 { \change Staff = "up" \voiceTwo <cis a' dis>32 } } } >>
See also
Snippets: Repeats.
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