4.3.4 Invoking etf2ly

Nota: This is not currently supported and may eventually be removed from future versions of LilyPond.

ETF (Enigma Transport Format) is a format used by Coda Music Technology’s Finale product. etf2ly will convert part of an ETF file to a ready-to-use LilyPond file.

It is invoked from the command-line as follows;

etf2ly [option]… etf-file

Note that by ‘command-line’, we mean the command line of the operating system. See Converting from other formats, for more information about this.

The following options are supported by etf2ly:

-h, --help

this help

-o, --output=FILE

set output filename to FILE


version information

Advertiments i problemes coneguts

The list of articulation scripts is incomplete. Empty measures confuse etf2ly. Sequences of grace notes are ended improperly.

Altres idiomes: English, deutsch, español, français, magyar, italiano, 日本語.
Quant a la selecció automàtica de la llengua.

LilyPond — Utilització v2.21.0 (branca de desenvolupament).