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[ < LuaTex ] | [ Amunt : LilyPond output in other programs ] | [ Other programs > ] |
4.4.2 OpenOffice and LibreOffice
LilyPond notation can be added to OpenOffice.org and LibreOffice with OOoLilyPond, an OpenOffice.org extension that converts LilyPond files into images within OpenOffice.org documents. Although this is no longer being developed, it appears to still work with version 4.
[ << External programs ] | [Part superior][Continguts][Índex][ ? ] | [ Suggeriments per escriure fitxers d'entrada >> ] | ||
[ < LuaTex ] | [ Amunt : LilyPond output in other programs ] | [ Other programs > ] |
Altres idiomes: English, español, magyar, italiano.
Quant a la selecció automàtica de la llengua.