8.3 Issue classification

The Bug Squad should classify issues according to the guidelines given by developers. Every issue should have a Status and Type; the other fields are optional.

Status (mandatory)

Open issues:

Closed issues:

Owner (optional)

Newly-added issues should have no owner. When a contributor indicates that he has Started or Fixed an item, he should become the owner.

Type (mandatory)

The issue’s Type should be the first relevant item in this list.

Opsys (optional)

Issues that only affect specific operating systems.

Patch label (optional)

Normal Bug Squad members should not add or modify Patch issues except to verify them; for all other Patch work, leave them to the Patch Meister.

Other items (optional)

Other labels:

If you particularly want to add a label not in the list, go ahead, but this is not recommended, except when an issue is marked as fixed. In this case it should be labeled Fixed_mm_MM_ss, where mm is major version, MM minor version and ss current release.

LilyPond — Contributor’s Guide v2.21.0 (development-branch).