12.5 Website build

Note: This information applies only to the standard make website from the normal build directory. The process is different for dev/website-build.

The rule for make website is found in GNUmakefile.in:

$(MAKE) config_make=$(config_make) \
        top-src-dir=$(top-src-dir) \
        -f $(top-src-dir)/make/website.make \

This translates as:

make --no-builtin-rules config_make=./config.make \
                top-src-dir=/home/phil/lilypond-git \
                -f /home/phil/lilypond-git/make/website.make \

which has the effect of setting the variables config_make and top-src-dir and then processing the file git/make/website.make with the target of website.

website.make starts with the following:


which checks to see whether the variable WEBSITE_ONLY_BUILD was set to one on the command line. This is only done for standalone website builds, not in the normal case. The result of the test determines the value of some variables that are set. A number of other variables are set, in order to establish locations of various files. An example is:

CREATE_VERSION=python $(script-dir)/create-version-itexi.py

The rule for website is:

website: website-texinfo website-css website-pictures website-examples web-post
        cp $(SERVER_FILES)/favicon.ico $(OUT)/website
        cp $(SERVER_FILES)/robots.txt $(OUT)/website
        cp $(top-htaccess) $(OUT)/.htaccess
        cp $(dir-htaccess) $(OUT)/website/.htaccess

so we see that this starts by running the rules for 5 other targets, then finishes by copying some files. We’ll cover that later - first website-texinfo. That rule is:

website-texinfo: website-version website-xrefs website-bibs
        for l in '' $(WEB_LANGS); do \
                if test -n "$$l"; then \
                        langopt=--lang="$$l"; \
                        langsuf=.$$l; \
                fi; \
                $(TEXI2HTML) --prefix=index \
                        --split=section \
                        --I=$(top-src-dir)/Documentation/"$$l" \
                        --I=$(top-src-dir)/Documentation \
                        --I=$(OUT) \
                        $$langopt \
                        --init-file=$(texi2html-init-file) \
                        -D web_version \
                        --output=$(OUT)/"$$l" \
                        $(top-src-dir)/Documentation/"$$l"/web.texi ; \
                ls $(OUT)/$$l/*.html | xargs grep -L \
                        'UNTRANSLATED NODE: IGNORE ME' | \
                        sed 's!$(OUT)/'$$l'/!!g' | xargs \
                        $(MASS_LINK) --prepend-suffix="$$langsuf" \
                        hard $(OUT)/$$l/ $(OUT)/website/ ; \

which therefore depends on website-version, website-xrefs and website-bibs.

        mkdir -p $(OUT)
        $(CREATE_VERSION) $(top-src-dir) > $(OUT)/version.itexi
        $(CREATE_WEBLINKS) $(top-src-dir) > $(OUT)/weblinks.itexi

which translates as:

mkdir -p out-website
python /home/phil/lilypond-git/scripts/build/create-version-itexi.py
        /home/phil/lilypond-git > out-website/version.itexi
python /home/phil/lilypond-git/scripts/build/create-weblinks-itexi.py
        /home/phil/lilypond-git > out-website/weblinks.itexi

So, we make out-website then send the output of create-version-itexi.py to out-website/version.itexi and create-weblinks-itexi.py to out-website/weblinks.itexi.

create-version-itexi.py parses the file VERSION in the top source dir. It contains:


currently. c-v-i.py parses this to:

@c ************************ Version numbers ************
@macro version
@end macro

@macro versionStable
@end macro

@macro versionDevel
@end macro

create-weblinks-itexi.py creates a load of texi macros (of the order of 1000) similar to:

@macro manualStableGlossaryPdf
@uref{../doc/v2.14/Documentation/music-glossary.pdf,Music glossary.pdf}
@end macro.

It loads its languages from langdefs.py, and therefore outputs the following unhelpful warning:

langdefs.py: warning: lilypond-doc gettext domain not found.


website-xrefs: website-version
        for l in '' $(WEB_LANGS); do \

is the start of the rule, truncated for brevity. This loops through the languages to be used on the website, processing some variables which I don’t fully understand, to run this command:

python /home/phil/lilypond-git/scripts/build/extract_texi_filenames.py \
        -I /home/phil/lilypond-git/Documentation \
        -I /home/phil/lilypond-git/Documentation/"$l" \
        -I out-website -o out-website --split=node \
        --known-missing-files= \
                 /home/phil/lilypond-git/scripts/build/website-known-missing-files.txt \
        -q \
        /home/phil/lilypond-git/Documentation/"$l"/web.texi ;\

There’s a good description of what extract_texi_filenames.py does at the top of the script, but a shortened version is:

If this script is run on a file texifile.texi, it produces a file texifile[.LANG].xref-map with tab-separated entries of the form NODE\tFILENAME\tANCHOR.

An example from web.nl.xref-map is:

Inleiding        Introduction        Introduction

e-t-f.py follows the includes from document to document. We know some have not been created yet, and known-missing-files option tells e-t-f.py which these are.

It then does this:

for m in $(MANUALS); do \

to run e-t-f.py against all of the manuals, in each language. Next:

website-bibs: website-version
        BSTINPUTS=$(top-src-dir)/Documentation/web \
                $(WEB_BIBS) -s web \
                -s $(top-src-dir)/Documentation/lily-bib \
                -o $(OUT)/others-did.itexi \
                $(quiet-flag) \

This is half the command. It runs bib2texi.py on 2 .bib files - others-did.bib and we-wrote.bib. This converts bibliography files into texi files with bibtex.

Next the commands in the website-texinfo rule are run:

for l in '' $(WEB_LANGS); do \

run texi2html. This is the program that outputs the progress message (found in Documentation/lilypond-texi2html.init):

Processing web site: []

It also outputs warning messages like:

WARNING: Unable to find node 'Řešení potíží' in book usage.

        cp $(top-src-dir)/Documentation/css/*.css $(OUT)/website

Copies 3 css files to out-website/website. Then:

        mkdir -p $(OUT)/website/pictures
        if [ -d $(PICTURES) ]; \
        then \
                cp $(PICTURES)/* $(OUT)/website/pictures ; \
                ln -sf website/pictures $(OUT)/pictures  ;\

which translates as:

if [ -d Documentation/pictures/out-www ]; \
    then \
        cp Documentation/pictures/out-www/* out-website/website/pictures ; \
        ln -sf website/pictures out-website/pictures  ;\

i.e. it copies the contents of build/Documentation/pictures/out-www/* to out-website/website/pictures. Unfortunately, the pictures are only created once make doc has been run, so an initial run of make website copies nothing, and the pictures on the website (e.g. the logo) do not exist. Next:

        mkdir -p $(OUT)/website/ly-examples
        if [ -d $(EXAMPLES) ]; \
        then \
                cp $(EXAMPLES)/* $(OUT)/website/ly-examples ; \

translates to:

mkdir -p out-website/website/ly-examples
if [ -d Documentation/web/ly-examples/out-www ]; \
    then \
        cp Documentation/web/ly-examples/out-www/* out-website/website/ly-examples ; \

This does the same with the LilyPond examples (found at http://lilypond.org/examples.html). Again, these are actually only created by make doc (and since they are generated from LilyPond source files, require a working LilyPond exe made with make). So this does nothing initially. Then:

        $(WEB_POST) $(OUT)/website

which is:

python /home/phil/lilypond-git/scripts/build/website_post.py out-website/website

which describes itself as:

This is web_post.py. This script deals with translations in the "make website" target.

It also does a number of other things, including adding the Google tracker code and the language selection footer. We’re now at the end of our story. The final 4 lines of the recipe for website are:

cp $(SERVER_FILES)/favicon.ico $(OUT)/website
cp $(SERVER_FILES)/robots.txt $(OUT)/website
cp $(top-htaccess) $(OUT)/.htaccess
cp $(dir-htaccess) $(OUT)/website/.htaccess

The first translates as:

cp /home/phil/lilypond-git/Documentation/web/server/favicon.ico out-website/website

so we see these are just copying the support files for the web server.

website.make summary

Recipes in ‘website.make’:

Here’s a summary of what gets called, in what order, when we run make website

      creates version.itexi and weblinks.itexi
      runs extract_texi_filenames.py
      creates bibliography files, described above
    copies css files
    copies pictures
    copies examples
    runs website_post.py
  Then some file copying

LilyPond — Contributor’s Guide v2.21.0 (development-branch).