3.1.82 NoteSpacing

NoteSpacing objects are created by: Note_spacing_engraver.

Standard settings:

knee-spacing-correction (number):


Factor for the optical correction amount for kneed beams. Set between 0 for no correction and 1 for full correction.

same-direction-correction (number):


Optical correction amount for stems that are placed in tight configurations. This amount is used for stems with the same direction to compensate for note head to stem distance.

space-to-barline (boolean):


If set, the distance between a note and the following non-musical column will be measured to the bar line instead of to the beginning of the non-musical column. If there is a clef change followed by a bar line, for example, this means that we will try to space the non-musical column as though the clef is not there.

stem-spacing-correction (number):


Optical correction amount for stems that are placed in tight configurations. For opposite directions, this amount is the correction for two normal sized stems that overlap completely.

This object supports the following interface(s): grob-interface, item-interface, note-spacing-interface and spacing-interface.

Internals Reference v2.21.0 (Vývojářská větev).