3.1.129 TrillPitchHead

TrillPitchHead objects are created by: Pitched_trill_engraver.

Standard settings:

duration-log (integer):


The 2-log of the note head duration, i.e., 0 = whole note, 1 = half note, etc.

font-size (number):


The font size, compared to the ‘normal’ size. 0 is style-sheet’s normal size, -1 is smaller, +1 is bigger. Each step of 1 is approximately 12% larger; 6 steps are exactly a factor 2 larger. If the context property fontSize is set, its value is added to this before the glyph is printed. Fractional values are allowed.

stencil (stencil):


The symbol to print.

Y-extent (pair of numbers):

#<unpure-pure-container #<primitive-procedure ly:grob::stencil-height> >

Extent (size) in the Y direction, measured in staff-space units, relative to object’s reference point.

Y-offset (number):

#<unpure-pure-container #<primitive-procedure ly:staff-symbol-referencer::callback> >

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent.

This object supports the following interface(s): font-interface, grob-interface, item-interface, ledgered-interface, pitched-trill-interface, rhythmic-head-interface and staff-symbol-referencer-interface.

Internals Reference v2.21.0 (Vývojářská větev).