Titles and headers
Adding the current date to a score
With a little Scheme code, the current date can easily be added to a
% first, define a variable to hold the formatted date:
date = #(strftime "%d-%m-%Y" (localtime (current-time)))
% use it in the title block:
\header {
title = "Including the date!"
subtitle = \date
\score {
\relative c'' {
c4 c c c
% and use it in a \markup block:
\markup {
Aligning and centering instrument names
The horizontal alignment of instrument names is tweaked by changing the
Staff.InstrumentName #'self-alignment-X
property. The
variables indent
and short-indent
the space in which the instrument names are aligned before the first
and the following systems, respectively.
\score {
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \with {
\override InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
instrumentName = \markup \left-column {
"Left aligned"
"instrument name"
shortInstrumentName = "Left"
{ c''1 \break c''1 }
\new Staff \with {
\override InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #CENTER
instrumentName = \markup \center-column {
"instrument name"
shortInstrumentName = "Centered"
{ g'1 g'1}
\new Staff \with {
\override InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
instrumentName = \markup \right-column {
"Right aligned"
"instrument name"
shortInstrumentName = "Right"
{ e'1 e'1 }
\layout {
ragged-right = ##t
indent = 4\cm
short-indent = 2\cm
Demonstrating all headers
All header fields with special meanings.
\header {
copyright = "copyright"
title = "title"
subtitle = "subtitle"
composer = "composer"
arranger = "arranger"
instrument = "instrument"
metre = "metre"
opus = "opus"
piece = "piece"
poet = "poet"
texidoc = "All header fields with special meanings."
copyright = "public domain"
enteredby = "jcn"
source = "urtext"
\layout {
ragged-right = ##f
\score {
\relative c'' { c1 | c | c | c }
\score {
\relative c'' { c1 | c | c | c }
\header {
title = "localtitle"
subtitle = "localsubtitle"
composer = "localcomposer"
arranger = "localarranger"
instrument = "localinstrument"
metre = "localmetre"
opus = "localopus"
piece = "localpiece"
poet = "localpoet"
copyright = "localcopyright"
Outputting the version number
By putting the output of
into a lyric, it is possible to print the
version number of LilyPond in a score, or in a document generated
with lilypond-book
. Another possibility is to append the
version number to the doc-string, in this manner:
\score {
\new Lyrics {
\override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
\mark #(string-append "Processed with LilyPond version " (lilypond-version))