8.2.1 Bug Squad setup

We highly recommend that you configure your email client to use some kind of sorting and filtering as this will significantly reduce and simplify your workload. Suggested email folder names are mentioned below to work when sorted alphabetically.

  1. Read every section of the Issues chapter in this guide.
  2. Subscribe your email account to bug-lilypond. See https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond.
  3. Send your email address to the Bug Meister.
  4. Create your own Sourceforge login (required for the Allura issue tracker):
  5. Send your Sourceforge username (not your email address) to bug-lilypond@gnu.org asking to be given appropriate permissions to either create, edit and comment on tracker issues.
  6. Configure your email client:
    • Any email sent with your address in the To: or CC: fields should be configured to go into a bug-answers folder.
    • Any email either From: or CC: to,

      should be configured to go into a bug-ignore folder or, alternately, configure your email client to delete these automatically. You do not need to read mails in the bug-ignore folder. If you are curious (and have time) then read them, but they are not necessary for Bug Squad work.

    • Any email sent To: or CC: to,

      should be configured to go into a bug-current folder.

LilyPond — Contributor’s Guide v2.21.0 (development-branch).