14.4.4 Configuring Patchy

Note: It is recommended to create a new user on your computer specifically to run the Patchy scripts as a security precaution and that this user should not have any administrative privileges. Also do not set password protection for your ssh key else you will not be able to run the scripts unattended.

  1. Make sure the environment variables LILYPOND_GIT and LILYPOND_BUILD_DIR are configured appropriately. See Environment variables.
  2. Manually run either the lilypond-patchy-staging.py script and when prompted:
    Warning: using default config; please edit /home/joe/.lilypond-patchy-config
    Are you sure that you want to continue with the default config? (y/[n])

    Answer “n” and press enter.

    The next time either of the scripts are run they will use the .lilypond-patchy-config settings copied to your $HOME directory.

  3. Manually edit the ‘.lilypond-patchy-config’ file, located in your $HOME directory to change any of the default settings.

These include:

The script creates a clones of staging and master branches (prefixed with test-) with a third branch, called test-master-lock used as a check to protect against two or more instances of Patchy being run locally at the same time.

LilyPond — Contributor’s Guide v2.21.0 (development-branch).