3.3.5 Patches

How to make a patch

If you want to share your changes with other contributors and developers, you need to generate patches from your commits. We prefer it if you follow the instructions in Uploading a patch for review. However, we present an alternate method here.

You should always run git pull -r (translators should leave off the ‘-r’) before doing this to ensure that your patches are as current as possible.

Once you have made one or more commits in your local repository, and pulled the most recent commits from the remote branch, you can generate patches from your local commits with the command:

git format-patch origin

The origin argument refers to the remote tracking branch at git.sv.gnu.org. This command generates a separate patch for each commit that’s in the current branch but not in the remote branch. Patches are placed in the current working directory and will have names that look something like this:


Send an email (must be less than 64 KB) to lilypond-devel@gnu.org briefly explaining your work, with the patch files attached. Translators should send patches to translations@lilynet.net. After your patches are reviewed, the developers may push one or more of them to the main repository or discuss them with you.

Emailing patches

The default x-diff MIME type associated with patch files (i.e., files whose name ends in .patch) means that the encoding of line endings may be changed from UNIX to DOS format when they are sent as attachments. Attempting to apply such an inadvertently altered patch will cause git to fail with a message about ‘whitespace errors’.

The solution to such problems is surprisingly simple—just change the default file extension of patches generated by git to end in .txt, for example:

git config format.suffix '.patch.txt'

This should cause email programs to apply the correct base64 encoding to attached patches.

If you receive a patch with DOS instead of UNIX line-endings, it can be converted back using the dos2unix utility.

Lots of useful information on email complications with patches is provided on the Wine wiki at http://wiki.winehq.org/GitWine.

LilyPond — Contributor’s Guide v2.21.0 (development-branch).