5.5.5 Technical writing style
These refer to the NR. The LM uses a more gentle, colloquial
Do not refer to LilyPond in the text. The reader knows what the
manual is about. If you do, capitalization is LilyPond.
If you explicitly refer to ‘lilypond’ the program (or any other
command to be executed), write
Do not explicitly refer to the reader/user. There is no one else
besides the reader and the writer.
Avoid contractions (don’t, won’t, etc.). Spell the words out completely.
Avoid abbreviations, except for commonly used abbreviations of foreign
language terms such as etc. and i.e.
Avoid fluff (“Notice that,” “as you can see,”
The use of the word ‘illegal’ is inappropriate in most cases.
Say ‘invalid’ instead.