2.2.3 Accordion

This section discusses notation that is unique to the accordion.

Discant symbols

Accordions are often built with more than one set of reeds that may be in unison with, an octave above, or an octave below the written pitch. Each accordion maker has different names for the shifts that select the various reed combinations, such as oboe, musette, or bandonium, so a system of symbols has come into use to simplify the performance instructions.

Frammenti di codice selezionati

Accordion register symbols

Accordion register symbols are available as \markup as well as as standalone music events (as register changes tend to occur between actual music events. Bass registers are not overly standardized. The available commands can be found in ’Accordion Registers’ in the Notation Reference.

#(use-modules (scm accreg))

\new PianoStaff
  \new Staff \relative {
    \clef treble \discant "10" r8 s32 f'[ bes f] s e[ a e] s d[ g d] s16 e32[ a]
      { r16 <f bes> r <e a> r <d g> }
      { d r a r bes r }
    >> |
    <cis e a>1
  \new Staff \relative {
    \clef treble \freeBass "1" r8 d'32 s16. c32 s16. bes32 s16. a32[ cis] s16
    \clef bass \stdBass "Master"
      { r16 <f, bes d>^"b" r <e a c>^"am" r <d g bes>^"gm" |
      <e a cis>1^"a" }
      { d8_"D" c_"C" bes_"B" | a1_"A" }

[image of music]

Vedi anche

Snippets: Keyboards.

Altre lingue: English, català, deutsch, español, français, 日本語.
About automatic language selection.

LilyPond — Guida alla Notazione v2.21.0 (ramo di sviluppo).